Black Friday 2007


molṑn labé
Staff member
Not much exciting but go & spend, spend, spend.

HD-DVD is trying to cath Blu-Ray. They're the first sub $200. hi-def DVD player
Not much exciting but go & spend, spend, spend.

HD-DVD is trying to cath Blu-Ray. They're the first sub $200. hi-def DVD player

My wife almost got us a JVC® (LT42x688) 42" 16:9 1080p Native HD LCD TV
She said she was going to get it, but wanted to wait for my 'husbandly approval' (which she never needs when it comes to expensive jewelry). Our bedroom TV is an old 21" that's losing it's colors (panasonic CRT).
this will be one of the few times in my life where i am not going black friday shopping!
mainly because it's something i do with mommy, but mommy is too busy to do it this year, and i don't really care about it otherwise, lol.

jay's toying the idea of trying to get one of 20 under-$300 laptops our bestbuy will supposedly have. i'm toying with the idea of telling him he's out of his mind!
My wife almost got us a JVC® (LT42x688) 42" 16:9 1080p Native HD LCD TV
She said she was going to get it, but wanted to wait for my 'husbandly approval' (which she never needs when it comes to expensive jewelry). Our bedroom TV is an old 21" that's losing it's colors (panasonic CRT).
Funny how that works, isn't it? ;)

Avoid it like the plaugue
I saw Wal-Mart had a HD upconversion DVD player for $30. I toyed with the idea... but it wasn't worth being there at 5 a.m. for. Lori had to be at work at 5, and I told her there's no way in hell I'm getting up that early. Especially since I have to drive 3-4 hours tonight to cover a playoff high school football game, then drive that far back home tonight... it'll be well after 1 a.m. when I get home.

Ash, tell Jay that if he wanted to get one of those computers, he needed to get to the store about five hours or so before you posted that message, since they only send 15 to each store and there are usually many more in line than that when the store opens.
Well, I gotta pick up a new dead bolt for the front door (broke the key off in the sticky lock yesterday) so I'll have to brave some of it.
*hates sales crowds and plans to stop going into town after 12 Dec until sometime after new year... the longer the better*
I braved the crowds (not bad at all really) and came home with:

- A new router for $35 and Half Life: The Orange Box for $25 from Best Buy.
- Jeans from Old Navy for $15 each.
- GF got a buch of stuff at Victoria's Secret I can't wait to see

Fun day, glad I went.
For once, I wasn't working. It was weird to sleep in. The past two years I was at circuit at 3AM. 2 years ago they had to let me go at noon because I was a minor. Last year I was also a minor, but that didn't stop me from working 3AM until midnight.

This year, I had to go to a funeral. In the afternoon I went to burlington coat factory (its this big clothing store that sells like name-brand clothes at really discounted prices, but with limited selection) and I got two pairs of jeans and one shirt. Later on, we went to Target to get a mini-wine-bottle-fridge for my dad for xmas.
luckily, jay realized that to try to get one of those laptops was a very silly idea!

i did actually end up going black friday shopping. my bff shannon called me around 8 at night and asked me if i wanted to go to best buy with her. her boyfriend works there and had held out a copy of brunswick bowling for the wii from a returns cart so we went to pick that up, and she also picked up some dvd's for people. after that, we went to kohls and she bought more stuff for people. obviously all the crowds had died off by that time! actually, when i think about it, i didn't go shopping myself; i just accompanied shannon as she shopped. but i think that still counts!