Black Saturday

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
It really wouldn't matter what day of the week it was actually... on 29th November 1954 my big sister was born at 4pm. One year ago today she was involved in the accident which was ultimately responsible for her death on 6th January this year, whilst out celebrating her 48th birthday.

I went to her inquest last week so I know how it happened, but I will never know why it had to happen to her. Why fate took away my only sister and my best friend. We didn't always see eye to eye in the past and there were times when we didn't speak to each other for some silly reason or other, but in the last few years we had become very close and I miss being able to talk to her and tell her what's happening in my life and hear what's happening in hers. She died so suddenly that I never got to say goodbye.

So if there's someone in your life who's missing for some silly reason too trivial to remember, pick up the phone or ring the doorbell, put aside your differences and give them a hug. Before it's too late and they're gone forever.
Wise words, Aunty. I'm glad you were able to build some happy memories to hold on to, and that your relationship with your sister was strong and loving. However, I agree, life can be arbitrary and cruel. My mom died suddenly and unexpectedly last January. It gives me some small comfort to know that the last time I saw her I told her I loved her and gave her a strong hug. :crying3:
I had to find out the hard way the true meaning of your words Aunty. :(
:sadhug: i know this will sound cold but it was her time. but at least you got to be close to her. i should try to get in touch wiht some old friends for that.