Blair says Britain must back Bush to become 51st state



London - Urging his nation to "see the big picture" and not focus on one issue, British Prime Minister Tony Blair today explained that unflinching support for President George W. Bush is particularly necessary now if Great Britain is ever to become the 51st U.S. state.

"As America's easternmost state, Britannia would claim 'first baby born in the U.S.' each New Year's," Blair explained to the House of Commons.

Speaking before the House of Commons, Blair conceded British involvement in a Middle East war was unpopular, but insisted "what you must concede is that in order to be granted U.S. statehood, we must be willing to defer our opinions and support our President on issues like this. For the greater good," he went on, "you must all swallow your pride, like I have, and someday, like I have, you too will be able to say, 'I am an American.'"

"But what if we don't want to?" shouted one north London MP.

"Oh, don't be silly," Blair replied.

Blair's emotional speech, the first time his government has officially declared its statehood intentions, came as a surprise to most Americans, who thought the U.K. already was the 51st state. But it caused an uproar in Commons, particularly among liberal members of the Labour Party, who feared that under the American political system, they would have to join the Democratic Party.

Blair, however, insisted the advantages of becoming another star on the U.S. flag are too great to ignore. "As Americans, we will finally be able to lift the yoke of cross-Atlantic condescension," he said. "We will finally be able to say we won the Colonial Rebellion. We will be able to once again look in the mirror and say, 'We are a superpower.' And we will be able to declare that we 'saved our own butts' during World War II."

With 60 million people, Great Britain, which would be renamed Britannia to blend in with other U.S. states that end in "a," would immediately become the most populous state. Eventually, plans call for Scotland and Wales be spun off as the 52nd and 53rd states, but Northern Ireland's status remains uncertain.

"Northern Ireland is a place of deep-seated hatreds and senseless violence, so I don't know if it would qualify as a state," said one source. "It might qualify as an American high school, though."

U.S. diplomatic sources, meanwhile, said inclusion was not a certainty, and explained that the British must make concessions before being granted statehood. Among them:
a) Drop the phony accents.
b) Rename all airports after Ronald Reagan.
c) Disband the Royal Family, "not because America doesn't recognize nobility, but because they're a bunch of nutters."

The future governor of Britannia, however, insisted any cultural compromises would be worth it if the new state gained long-sought representation in Washington, D.C. "For too long we have been governed by America without having a vote in America," said Blair. "As citizens of the United States, we will finally make our voices heard."

"Unless they disagree with the President's voice," he quickly added.
Wow.. you blokes might even be bigger than California. :D

I say DO IT! .. so I can get some bovril and PG Tips stocked in my store!
hey y'all .. stop laughing at my boyfriend!!!!

it's alright Tony, baby is here for you ...
unclehobart said:
Wow.. you blokes might even be bigger than California. :D

heh, see you're doing well at learning english :)

i reckon that "chaps" would be more appropriate in that sentance though...

it's a fine line... but "bloke" is usually only singular... and it just seems kinda strange said like "you blokes"...
I did some quick checks... Britannia's GDP would exceed California's GDP. Britannia's GDP is $1.47 trillion, California's GDP is only $1.31 trillion.

*marks a "D" for unc's usage of English-english versus Americanized bastardization of english*

dan said:
unclehobart said:
Wow.. you blokes might even be bigger than California. :D

heh, see you're doing well at learning english :)

i reckon that "chaps" would be more appropriate in that sentance though...

it's a fine line... but "bloke" is usually only singular... and it just seems kinda strange said like "you blokes"...
Right... I'm afraid I'm not very fluent in Queen's English. So when exactly do you use chaps and mate and bloke, etc?
nalani said:
*marks a "D" for unc's usage of English-english versus Americanized bastardization of english*

heh, nah it's gotta be more than a D... and bonus points for the PG Tips... go with an A, just falling a couple points off an A+ :)
dan said:
nalani said:
*marks a "D" for unc's usage of English-english versus Americanized bastardization of english*

heh, nah it's gotta be more than a D... and bonus points for the PG Tips... go with an A, just falling a couple points off an A+ :)

man, you are too easy dan .. you'd suck as a teacher :D

*chants* GIVE HIM A "D"! GIVE HIM A "D"!
I dun speaka da english ... I speak 'merican! The most common forms of greeting are: 'I"LL SUE YOU FOR THAT!' and 'WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?! YOU GOT SHIT FOR BRAINS? GET THE FUCK OUTTA THE STREET... I"M TRYING TO DRIVE HERE!' ... and so on and so forth.
Jerrek said:
Right... I'm afraid I'm not very fluent in Queen's English. So when exactly do you use chaps and mate and bloke, etc?

oh dear... what have i started!

chaps, blokes and guys are all pretty similar really. you have guys. chaps and blokes and guys are the same... blokes perhaps has more of a male tinge to it than the more unisex guys... chaps perhaps is just a touch more male than guys as well (when referring to a group of people, they'd all be exclusivly male when referring to a single person)

let me think...

chaps i guess is seen as slightly posher then the others...

the difference in meaning really is very subtle, i'm trying to think how to explain, but the subtlety and reason for choosing one over the other isn't very apparent.

you'd say "you guys" or "you chaps", but "you blokes" doesn't really sound quite right... whereas "some guy" and "some bloke" are okay... but "some chap" doesn't quite sound right, although all are perfectly reasonable things to say....

mate is analagous to "friend" in meaning, but you'd say it to someone who's done something for you. like, say, the guy in mcdonalds who's just given you your food might get a "cheers mate". it's a friendly kinda way of acknowledging someone you don't know that well... but it does pretty well for anyone right up to your closest friends.

some people i know object to using "mate" for people they don't know. one guy i know who does a great line in vitriolic sarcasm pointed out that he wasn't the cab driver's mate and didn't intend on being his mate, so would rather if he didn't call him mate.

"cheers mate" or "cheers matey" would be common things to hear. also when introducing new people to each other you may say "this is my mate dan"

all too much for me to think about at 1am!

Edit: correct the most glaring terrible spelling mistake in the world