

Staff member
I bought banana Snapple today. The label made it look amazing! I truly thought it would be supergood, but it's not. It's like drinking melted banana popsicle! I really need to start staying with the tried and true.
mmmmmm banana popsicle!

Surprisinly that is EXACTLY how I'd expect banana "juice" to taste :D
i remember trying the original "slice" soda 20 years ago and actually experiencing the gag reflex.
They all seemed heavily watered down though. The taste was almost an afterthought. I guess I am just jaded by other drinks that are poisonously sweet.
They all seemed heavily watered down though. The taste was almost an afterthought. I guess I am just jaded by other drinks that are poisonously sweet.

I dunno what kinda snapple you're drinking...the strawberry kiwi stuff is almost disgustingly sweet.
yeah, why does banana medicine taste so good? i had infections a lot as a young child, and i got to take this banana-flavored antibiotic... that stuff was the shit!
It's penecilin I think...I was sad when the doctor started giving me pills...I even asked for the medicine instead of pills one time when I was like 14...she told me no :(