Blurred text


New Member
I've been noticing text is blurry especially " = " to me it actually looks like three lines .At first I thought it was just age ,but the wife has recently commented on it too.Is it the Vidcard or monitor (I don't have an extra of either to try),I've tried Degaussing the monitor without help.If I zoom in on a screen capture I can see its only two lines = so I'm rather confused?
I've attached a screecap of the address bar with a couple of == added ,cam anyone tell me if they can tell its a = wihout having to zoom.

Note:this blurriness is also apparent in games

VolcanoII/RadioShack paste
1.2ghz 266DDR T-bird @ 1.4
384 MB PC133
Plextor 712A DVDR-W
Matrox G450 32MB AGP
Viewsonic G90f 19"

It just dawned on me to try XP and see if the = isn't blurry,but I'll post this in the meantme.
I don't see the screen capture, but do you have another complete system you can try the monitor on?
In my rush to go to XP i forgot to attach ,but its blurry in XP too so heres the screen cap.

And no,I have no other systems to try this on ,short of packing to a friends,but its a little heavy ,so if I can avoid that.
Yep,even double sized I can't make out its an equals sign :crying4: guess its the monitor,because the vidcard would show blurred on the capture?
A.B.Normal said:
Yep,even double sized I can't make out its an equals sign :crying4: guess its the monitor,because the vidcard would show blurred on the capture?
I'm not so sure even that's true, but every time I've ever had a blurry problem it's been the monitor. Note that there is a focus knob inside the monitor case (usually), but I don't recommend opening it up without someone nearby who knows what's what in there. There's shit in there that can hurt you.
Not sure if it's both OS but try this in XP:

Display properties - Appearance - Effects... Under "use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts", see what it's set to. Mine is set to Standard and I don't have blurriness. If yours is set to "clear type", see if changing it helps.

Good luck with it!
You might also try changing the refresh rate in the advanced display properties under Adapter. Sometimes that will help.
HomeLAN said:
You might also try changing the refresh rate in the advanced display properties under Adapter. Sometimes that will help.

Agree. Some monitors are prone to "blurryness" at certain refresh rates.

What resolution/refresh rate are you running it right now?
Luis G said:
Agree. Some monitors are prone to "blurryness" at certain refresh rates.

What resolution/refresh rate are you running it right now?

1024x768 high colour (16bit),that same for the last 4years.
HomeLAN said:
You might also try changing the refresh rate in the advanced display properties under Adapter. Sometimes that will help.
Thirded. My vote is monitor.
Yeah, with no recent changes in the setup, it's probable that the monitor is dying, but you might find a refresh rate that would buy you some time.