What the hell happened to Democrats going after more government & Republicans wanting a smaller, less intrusive federal government? Politics (ie, getting re-elected)
In the summer of 1996, Congress passed and Willie signed the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996", better known as Welfare Reform. If things go as currently planned, in 2003, Dubya will sign the largest social spending increase in 40 years, giving the statistically richest group of Americans a benefit that is not needed nor is it wanted.
The cost of this prescription drug benefit is said to be about $400,000,000,000 (four hundred billion) over 10 years. IN 1965, when Medicare went into effeact, it's projected cost by 1990 would be $9,000,000,000 (nine billion). It cost SIXTY SIX BILLION in in's first year. On average, government programs exceed their projections by a factor of just over 7. Which means that the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit will cost over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in the next ten years. Our current budget is $2.3 trillion & that is too much. In some analysts reports, it theorhetically could end up eating a potentiol 40% of American wage earners salaries, by itself.
Well, as of this morning it has passed. The House almost got smart, they let it squeek by, 216-215. The Senate, on the other hand, has completely lost it's mind. The passage there was 76-21. What's scary is that Chapaquitic Kennedy is leading the charge, calling it a "nice down payment".
As the baby boomers begin retiring (heavily in 2012) the last parting shots to the X'ers & beyond is, "we brought you into this world & we're going to make you pay."
Demopublicans or Republicrats...it's making the Libertarians seems simply brilliant.
In the summer of 1996, Congress passed and Willie signed the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996", better known as Welfare Reform. If things go as currently planned, in 2003, Dubya will sign the largest social spending increase in 40 years, giving the statistically richest group of Americans a benefit that is not needed nor is it wanted.
The cost of this prescription drug benefit is said to be about $400,000,000,000 (four hundred billion) over 10 years. IN 1965, when Medicare went into effeact, it's projected cost by 1990 would be $9,000,000,000 (nine billion). It cost SIXTY SIX BILLION in in's first year. On average, government programs exceed their projections by a factor of just over 7. Which means that the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit will cost over TWO TRILLION DOLLARS in the next ten years. Our current budget is $2.3 trillion & that is too much. In some analysts reports, it theorhetically could end up eating a potentiol 40% of American wage earners salaries, by itself.
Well, as of this morning it has passed. The House almost got smart, they let it squeek by, 216-215. The Senate, on the other hand, has completely lost it's mind. The passage there was 76-21. What's scary is that Chapaquitic Kennedy is leading the charge, calling it a "nice down payment".
As the baby boomers begin retiring (heavily in 2012) the last parting shots to the X'ers & beyond is, "we brought you into this world & we're going to make you pay."
Demopublicans or Republicrats...it's making the Libertarians seems simply brilliant.