Board Security


Well-Known Member
At a message board I was at there was a recent hacker attack against the server where the forums were hosted. And some back up copies were lost and so the board took a time warp back to April of this year. So they had to add additional security and such.

I was wondering if this board has some kind of backup system?
Yes we get backed up pretty regularly. (hehe)
We also back the forums up too. :)
nah from what ive seen so far its phpbb boards with a front end on the that are being hit.
It gets backed up daily and as far as I know, kept for a week by the host. Furthermore, it gets backed up and saved off-site manually by me whenever I dive in to upgrade the software. I have a couple dedicated servers with 80 gig hard drives in em, one of these keeps all the pre-upgrade backups I download.