Bob Barker Rammed by Japanese Ship


Well-Known Member
Sea Shepherd founder Captain Paul Watson said by satellite telephone that the Japanese ship rammed the Bob Barker — named after the U.S. game show host who donated millions to buy it for Sea Shepherd — as it blocked the slipway of the Japanese fleet's factory ship.

Sea Shepherd activists try to block the whalers from firing harpoons, and they dangle ropes in the water to try to snarl the Japanese ships' propellers. They also hurl packets of stinking rancid butter at their rivals. The whalers have responded by firing water cannons and sonar devices meant to disorient the activists. Collisions have occurred occasionally.

Japan aims to take hundreds of whales each year under a program that is allowed despite the international moratorium on killing whales because it is done in the name of science. Critics say the scientific program is a front for commercial whaling, and much of the meat is eaten.

In a sluggish economy, never ever fuck with another man's livelihood. Those Japanese whalers take their whaling seriously.
Attitudes toward animals are a part of national cultures. If whales are hunted responsibly, preserving the overall health of the species, shouldn't they should be able to harvest all they can use?
Protest away. Get in front of a moving vehincle & you deserve the outcome.
Attitudes toward animals are a part of national cultures. If whales are hunted responsibly, preserving the overall health of the species, shouldn't they should be able to harvest all they can use?

If they "harvest" all they can use, they are not doing it responsibly nor with the overall health of the species in mind.
Unless we're talking the six degrees of separation......then I should've said "Rahmmed ." ;)
Bob Barker Rammed up the poopchute.

Don’t try that at home, she’s a professional.
I promise you...... that was the last time.......never again........You can bank on it.