Boise State...


Well-Known Member up 21-10 over Oklahoma at the half. How 'bout them apples?

Oh, S'n'P was likedly glad to see that JoePa and Penn State beat Phil Fulmer and the Vols 20-10.
Boise State Bests Sooners, 43-42 (OT)

I guess Boise does belong there.
So after Boise ran back an Oklahoma INT for a TD to go up 28-10, I figured, aww, fuck it, the game's decided, let's go get dinner. So we get dinner then hit up Wal-Mart... when we get back, I turn on the TV and watch Boise get the two-point conversion to win it in overtime, 42-41. That's how my luck tends to go these days.
Man.. I watched those last 8 minutes... and damn they were good.

Boise had it all wrapped up with two minutes to go.
Then they let Oklahoma score with a monumental long play. Suddenly it was tied with 1:46 to go.
The first play from Boise going the other way was intercepted for a touchdown. Suddenly, in 10 seconds, Oklahoma scored 14 points. The fans went nuts.
Boise then stages an awesome comeback drive capped with a bit of receiver razzle-dazzle trickery.
The game goes to overtime.
Oklahoma scores on the first play. The fans go nuts again.
Boise State gets the ball and struggles. It is something like 4th and 18 out on the 23 yard line when Boise threads in a killer strike.
Everyone gets the feeling that Boise is going to try for the 2 pointer to put it away. Oklahoma calls a timeout.
Boise comes back all lined up for the Statue of Liberty play for the 2 pointer (basically everyone lined up on the right in passing formation)

Everything slams over to that side and the Boise QB does a beautiful fake pass causing everyone to commit. He then lowers his arm as if looking for another target... while actually doing the most casual of handoffs to the running back who is headed left... and runs in for the 2 pointer all alone. Said running back then poses for the cameras, dives into the stands, then runs over to the lead cheerleader (who happens to be his girlfriend) and proposes on the spot.
Three weeks ago, sunshine. Its easy to be on someones bandwagon when they are already 12-0 with only the bowl to play.

I like everything about Boise except Zabransky. He makes some f'd up decisions sometimes when the pressure is on.
I think I was on the Boise St. ride last year also. I probably didn't post anything about it here though, so it's undocumented and you will just have to believe me.
I don't know if I was on the "bandwagon," but any time I saw that blue field I checked out the game. They're fun to watch. Besides, seems like they won every time I saw them. ;)

Maybe the BCS needs to start taking some of these other conferences more seriously. Rutgers and West Virginia both looked pretty good in bowl games too. WVA without their best player.
I was on the Boise State bandwagon a few years ago until they had a colossal meltdown at the start of last year. They had like 5 turnovers to UGA on opening day and ended up going like 1-3 at the start. Most of their tv time dried up after that... but it seems like they've gone at least 18-2 since... and with a new coach.

I bet the ol' coach is kicking himself for going to Colorado about now.
I'm waithing for the lobbying for an orange field at Neyland Stadium to start.
It won't happen. The NCAA banned all playing surfaces except green. Boise State is grandfathered in.

Having attended Fresno State and followed the team since the late 1990s, I'm quite well aware of Boise State and what they can do.