Both twins dead


New Member
Just saw it on the news, can't be bothered looking for a news site for a link..

Course, since it was on CNNi, they might just have been lying.. :rolleyes:
Wouldn't exactly call it quick, they'd been operating since Saturday afternoon.. ;)

And you know, I never thought I'd ever see an appropriate use for that chainsaw smiley.. :D
must have been that shunt vein they had to cut. Oh and the fused brains would have been a bit of a prob
Yeah, this operation was a bit complicated, to say the least. It's really sad that they died, they should have just been left alone. :(

I saw a special on HBO a long time ago about two women who were joined at the head and who didn't want to be seperated. They both had boyfriends (actually, they may have been married) and jobs and everything. One of the twins couldn't walk so they had a special cart that the other wheeled her around on. I remember the bigger one that could walk wanted to be a country singer.
i believe the docs found the brains more fused than they thought and while they worked the seperation the loss of blood eventually killed them
I've just heard the news... that's really sad. I suppose it just goes to prove that interfering with nature after 29 years is just too late. :(
greenfreak said:
Yeah, this operation was a bit complicated, to say the least. It's really sad that they died, they should have just been left alone. :(

From what i read they wanted to be separated and they accepted the risk. Sad to hear about their dead, but still they had an admirable attitude.
they said that they'd rather die than live conjoined any longer.

they got what they wanted.

i'm not as sad as some other people, because the twins knew the risk and accepted it fully.
Just wanted their own lives, I guess. I mean, when you see some of the separations that have been done, their's looked dead easy from the outside. I doubt either of them really thought they might not make it through.
Just on the side. Do you think conjoined twins have one or two passports? How many fares do they have to pay for airline tickets? Or bus tickets for that matter?