

Well-Known Member
went bowling for the first time in years tonight.
was suprised to find it is all automated now. we sat in front of a touch screen and the lane kept score for us. even had some silly graphics on the overhead screen when we did something good or when we messed up. no more cheating with the pin fall and changing the score when its your turn to keep score. :D
actually had fun. cant wait for the sore shoulder tomorrow.....
Most bowling alleys have that now. The one in Paso Robles, CA (where I grew up) still uses pencil-and-paper scoring, though.
all the kids in the circle of friends I have have been selecting bowling for their birthday parties this past year so I've been spending an awful lot of time at bowling alleys :D
I went bowling a few months ago. You can still change the score. You just gotta wait until everyone has had a few beers and no one is looking. :devious:
unfortunatly, they dont serve beer. you have to go to the pub that nearly all alleys have. no alcoholic beverages in the playing area....

i'm suprised my shoulder isn't bothering me today. my back, however, isn't all that happy with me today....
food and beverages are fine in the playing area, just no booze.
just as well i suppose. i'd hate to get in the middle of a drunken bowling ball fight.
(most of the lanes around here are candlepin.)
Hmm. A bowling alley that won't let you drink and bowl? What is this world coming to? :disgust2:

Must not have leagues.
When i go late night its great. I dont bowl but most of my other firend do. We just chill around and on weekends friends from school are always there, so its nice to unexpectantly see them. Its all good
Spot said:
unfortunatly, they dont serve beer. you have to go to the pub that nearly all alleys have. no alcoholic beverages in the playing area....

:eek13: what is the world coming to?! :eek:
Spot said:
food and beverages are fine in the playing area, just no booze.
just as well i suppose. i'd hate to get in the middle of a drunken bowling ball fight.
(most of the lanes around here are candlepin.)

HA! Went bowling last month and we had both food and drink (of the alcoholic kind) on the score duly plummeted to an average of 60.... when I didnt drink last week I hit my usual of 130
All the lanes I've been to here and in MO allowed drinks anywhere (or at least didn't complain when they got carried everwhere). But at least you can buy on Sundays in MO. :disgust: