Boxing = murder?

It's definitely assault. If that was a domestic or a street fight both parties would be arrested.
While I don't much care for the vile & vicious sport, attempted murder may be a little stretch
It is just a sport, others get hurt playing other sports.

I don't see it as a street fight there are strict rules, and safety equipment. Gone are the days where the only win is a K.O.

is it a dangerous sport hell yes, so are other sports.
I wouldn't go so far to call it attempted murder. Retarded, pointless, and barbaric maybe but not attempted murder.

It may be termed a "sport" but what other sport has inducing unconciousness as the main objective? Besides boxing and the like, football and hockey would probably be second and third in bodily injury. Though the players of those sports may be out for blood, it's not supposed to be the only object of the game. There is a ball and puck involved there somewhere.

Likening it to gladiators and Rome is apt. It's that primarily male-driven animalistic need to see injury and carnage that drives it. The main difference is that the boxers have complete free will. And as long as they are choosing to do it and put themselves in harm's way, the sport will continue with more debilitating injuries and deaths to please the spectators.
greenfreak said:
It may be termed a "sport" but what other sport has inducing unconciousness as the main objective? B

the main objective is to score points for getting in clean hits. Many years ago it was to knock the other guy out. to prevent serious injuries they have rules now like the TKO rule (guy can fall down only so many times before the fight is over, even if he can jump right back up). The gloves are padded, in amateur boxing headgear is worn. Is it a brutal sport, yes. so is football, and all contact sports.

I happen to enjoy it, I prefer amateur matches, or is pro not heavyweight, the pro heavyweight is when it starts sounding like pro wrestling.

My Uncle is a boxing coach, so I know the ins and outs. a clean match with people of the same skill level is entertaining, it is dirty promoters that ruin the sport putting weak untested guys against champs, that is mostly when people get seriously hurt.
I don't doubt that your interest in the skill, points and such is genuine but I'd hazard a guess that the majority of boxing fans aren't in it for the same reasons. I wonder too about the boxers themselves and their predisposition to violence. Or what got them started in the first place. But I don't follow boxers, their careers, etc so I can't say anything about that.

You should understand that I can't stand "fighting" in any sport. When that whole Yankees/Red Sox world series fight thing went on, I was disgusted. Like the ref who got punched in the face on a football field last week because he got in the way of one of the player's punches. I'm even impatient with excessive fouling in basketball.

Then again, no sport has really interested me that much where I would watch it regularly. Basketball was cool for a while but then all the personality bullshit got in the way.

I invariably wind up yelling at the tv Why can't you just PLAY THE GAME?!
I've actually watched cricket a few times. When I lived in Florida, a friend of mine from work was on a team and we used to all go on weekend afternoons. Damn long game though. Good thing his family was so friendly, it was more like a party with some entertainment.
Amateur boxers are in it for the sport, some of the pros beleive that you have to act that way, and some like tyson are maniacs.

Most fans know the real sport, some are bloodthirsty, like the hockey fans that go for the fights.

at my aunts funereal all the boxers my uncle ever trained showed up, nice bunch of guys, no fights broke out every one eas civiel even the 2 guys who where fighting each other in 3 days time.
Nobody forces the boxers to participate. And, like Paul said, there are rules and safeguards in place to protect them.

Let 'em have at it, whoop-de-doo.