BoxTops for Education


Well-Known Member
My daughter came home with her kindergarten newsletter yesterday and on the back was a page called BoxTops for Education. On this page were a handful of ads for KB Toys, JC Penny, Lands End, Eddie Baur and other companies. What you do is collect the boxtops (or other tags etc) and send them in and the school gets 10¢ for each one.
Isn't this really just another form of advertising? Her school is is dire need of funds but i would rather the parents scrape together the monies or even the children go without certain things than the school become dependant on private corporations. After all wouldn't the federal aid commision(or whomever distributes the funds to the public shool system) see this source of income as a reason to give less to the school system? I can see the school system becoming dependant on this sort of thing. Am i right to be upset about this?
Our housebrat's school is doing the same thing. Personally, we haven't altered our buying habits one bit to accomodate this. If stuff we buy anyway has what she needs for this program, and she is willig to sit down and cut it out, then have at it. Otherwise, I ain't buying it just for that purpose. Same with the grocery receipt happens to be the store we usually patronize, so she keeps the receipts for school. If we go to another store that week, tough shit.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Our housebrat's school is doing the same thing. Personally, we haven't altered our buying habits one bit to accomodate this. If stuff we buy anyway has what she needs for this program, and she is willig to sit down and cut it out, then have at it. Otherwise, I ain't buying it just for that purpose. Same with the grocery receipt happens to be the store we usually patronize, so she keeps the receipts for school. If we go to another store that week, tough shit.

I would probably do the same. What bothers me the most though is just seeing those ads. It makes me sick. I just want to fight back. If i am going to fight this fight however i want to be sure my reasoning is sound.
Dude, I got too many irons in too many fires to take up this fight with ya. Sorry, I'll have to sit this one out and lend moral support. Kinda like France, except more recently bathed...
The very brands that they are giving a pittance back from are their highest profit drivers. Why anyone would buy a $4 box of cereal to get .10 back is beyond me. Just buy a $2.50 box of cereal and then dump the extra buck and a half into a jar and save up for the school. At least you would get the tax writeoff instead of the gdamn company.
if it's something you buy anyway i say use 'em. they are on cans of campbell soup (which my children consume massive amounts of with joy and rapture). i don't use them because the daycare center doesn't qualify...maybe when they start school.
As SNP so nicely put it, our housebrat collects them. I have seen how these programs help the schools. The one ours goes to did not have computers, last year they were able to purchase 15 new computers and some other equipment that was needed for the school. I do not support anything that my child or the school she goes to will not get something out of it. It may be wrong but I work hard for my money and I want to see where it is going.
AllEars' said:
As SNP so nicely put it, our housebrat collects them. I have seen how these programs help the schools. The one ours goes to did not have computers, last year they were able to purchase 15 new computers and some other equipment that was needed for the school. I do not support anything that my child or the school she goes to will not get something out of it. It may be wrong but I work hard for my money and I want to see where it is going.

It does help the schools now but think it through. Capitalism without proper oversight leads to corporate corruption. The public trade practices cause large corporations to do whatever it takes to raise stock price. This has already been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. If they don't care about Americas employees' well-being why would they care about our children? If we start here what happens when private industry gains a foothold of 10% or more of our school funding? Ads covering the walls of the schools? What will we do when companies have power over our school system, deny them what they want and lose the monies? There's no way the government can pull those kinds of funds from a hat. When private industry takes a foothold the government will not regain that ground. Do we really want to give away this power to the corporate world? This is only the tip of the iceberg.
IMO, Big cooperations already have control. Money talks, for us little ones on the cooperate ladder we could only hope that one day we may also be at the top to make the decisions and buy our way through life.
Corporate sponsors are everywhere. Without them our lawmakers would have to either raise taxes or cut spending :rofl3: