

Well-Known Member
Well, I was watching Braveheart again, and I was wondering if the usual suspects could enlighten me to the factuality of the movie and tell me what really happened. From what I could find, Wallace was not a peasant, rather, he was a minor lord, and he died in 1304, even though the movie takes place in 1314 (I think). Y'know, it's always good to supplement movies with other historical facts.

School was too busy teaching us cultural tolerance to bother with pre-french/indian war (Is it just me, or is there an alarming resemblence to the French Onion War here?) history. Did you know that we needed to learn about the religions of medieval middle-eastern societies? Do we really need to go indepth to their heathen culture? I mean, come on. We started out as a British colony. We should learn the history of Britain and the nearby countries, not a bunch of barbarians.
Altron said:
I mean, come on. We started out as a British colony. We should learn the history of Britain and the nearby countries, not a bunch of barbarians.


The movie is typical Hollyweird. Enough fact to confuse the masses filled in by lots of made up horseshit & poetic nonsense. The principle of the movie is accurate, only the names & dates have been changed to protect the innocents. Google William Wallace...there are plenty of sources.
You should learn the history of everbody. And remember that it is the winner that writes the history. Those "barbarians" were just as much people as the rest of us. If you lose sight of that it's not a far jump to accept the displacement and mistreatment of the American Indians, Slavery, The genocide of the Jewish people during the holocaust.
As far as Wallace being a "minor lord"- sure! But that doesn't mean he didn't live like they portayed. Scotland was a very poor country at that point, thanks to the British.
You mean he really didn't shoot fireballs out of his ass, impregnate a French princess, and slay 1000 of the enemy with the jawbone of an ass?
unclehobart said:
You mean he really didn't shoot fireballs out of his ass, impregnate a French princess, and slay 1000 of the enemy with the jawbone of an ass?

I think you have Braveheart confused with Sideshow Bob. :eek3:
Well, I will admit that I lifted the jawbone from Sampson and Delilah... but the other two are from Braveheart.
Hey, I can shoot fireballs from my ass (with a match and some beans for dinner) too. Does that make me an epic hero?

I have just discovered a "burning" need for a fart lighting smilie.
Braveheart? You got to get to the video store or onto your Netflix queue a little more often.

Anyone seen Pulp Fiction yet?