Break free already!!!


Staff member
It drives me insane when advertisers use GOOD music for ads. And rerun them, and rerun them, and rerun them.
This always ruins the songs for me forevermore.

And Coke is doing it to me again. This time it's Queen's I want to break free, advertising (aka repelling me from ever trying) C2 cola. It's running every freaking commercial break during the shows that I watch. Overkill. GAAAAAAAAAH!

I will NEVER try this drink.

Why do they do this? I can't be the only one?
advertising is one of the main reasons i dont watch commercial tv anymore. i cant remember what i ate for breakfast, but i can sing 12 year old ad jingles all day long. they have gotten a tad too good at getting things into your head.
now its even worse with the use of old rock songs. songs that i have equated with good memories of my youth are now tied to products as well. makes me nauseous thinking about it.
Spot said:
now its even worse with the use of old rock songs. songs that i have equated with good memories of my youth are now tied to products as well. makes me nauseous thinking about it.
That's it. If they'd make their own stuff and annoy the hell out of me with it, that's one thing. But to ruin my beloved music to try and make some bucks is just mean. :(
Winston tastes good like a
How do you spell relief?
This is not your Fathers...
(and for us fossils)
Put a tiger in your tank
You can trust your car to the man that wears the star
*the Texaco star of course*

you are in good hands with...

Hey Cadillac song is runnin' through my head.

It's been a long time since I Rock and Rolled
It's been a long time since I did the Stroll.
Ooh let me get it back let me get it back
Let me get it back baby where I come from.
It's been a long time been a long time
Been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
Yes it has
Winky said:
Winston tastes good like a
How do you spell relief?
This is not your Fathers...
(and for us fossils)
Put a tiger in your tank
You can trust your car to the man that wears the star
*the Texaco star of course*
Ever watch that TV Land channel? Not only do they show classic shows, they show classic commercials too. "Pontiac GTO... all tiger for 1966."
CB, C2 cola is Coca Cola that is a halfway point twixt regular sugared soda at full calories and the 0 calories of 'taste like nothing' Diet Coke. Its a half calories soda for those that want a little taste and only a marignal amount of padding for the waistline.
unclehobart said:
CB, C2 cola is Coca Cola that is a halfway point twixt regular sugared soda at full calories and the 0 calories of 'taste like nothing' Diet Coke. Its a half calories soda for those that want a little taste and only a marignal amount of padding for the waistline.

So its like "Pepsi Max"

"Maximum taste... Minimum calories"

Riiigggghhht! That would be good I only do diet pop (soda) and I'm not too keen on Pepsi.

*CB waits less than patiently for C2 to hit Britain's shops*