breaking a code of womanhood


New Member
i am cleaning out my closet...demolishing it actually...tossing everything i haven't worn in ages...funny the stuff you'll part with and the stuff you won't...tossed a silk oriental dress but i have to keep my torn and ratty shao lin t-shirt...i have 4 pairs of opaque black tights...i know they are all bound to have runs in them...i'll tackle my shoes next....years and years of memories but i swore i wasn't going to move unnecessary crap, you know what i mean?
you know what i mean?

No i don't. Parting with clothes isn't a powerful and moving is simply throwing out the old.

But you're a woman, your world eludes me and thankfully so.
ash r said:
what size is that dress?
*wonders if it'll fit her, since tonks is getting rid of it and all*
um..sorta a custom fit...size 14 up top size 10 from the waist down...this was a dress i wore to a christmas party 5 years ago.
tonks said:
you know what i mean?

I know exactly wot yer mean....after moving house twice in the last coupla months I seem to have accumulated more stuff than i started out with :eh:

For some reason I've got 3 vcr's and only one telly.........I gotta stop talkin' to strange men in pubs.
I was scanning the page while the icons were loading and I could have swore I saw this say "breaking code of wind" :retard:........never mind, carry on.
Ye know - a couple of VCR's could come in handy in more way than one............I suppose if you slip a pop tart in there you could semi-microwave it :shrug:
AlphaTroll said:
Ye know - a couple of VCR's could come in handy in more way than one............I suppose if you slip a pop tart in there you could semi-microwave it :shrug:

Way ahead if yer there.

Well, lil' Rob was when he put a slice of buttered toast in one of my old vcr's a couple of years ago :eh:

Putting toast into the vcr is not to be does little to improve the falvour
Once tried putting a jack russell terrier in the microwave .......but the owner stopped us before we could turn the power on :eh:
See now - that's one of the reasons appliances really don't work well with me...or me with them.

I thought I was being very nice & sweet in cleaning out the fishpond.....with a wet/dry vacuum (I drained the pond first) - unfortunately I didn't see the frogs & to cut a long story short I sorta, kinda got 3 frogs sucked into the vacuum before I could switch it off. My kind deed ended up costing me a bit 'cos I had to replace the vacuum :rolleyes:
AlphaTroll said:
Ye know - a couple of VCR's could come in handy in more way than one............I suppose if you slip a pop tart in there you could semi-microwave it :shrug:
marlowe has broken 2 vcrs this way...first was an oatmeal cookie...second was a stray pacifier....we're on our third...but she knows how to operate the thing now....
AlphaTroll said:
See now - that's one of the reasons appliances really don't work well with me...or me with them.

I thought I was being very nice & sweet in cleaning out the fishpond.....with a wet/dry vacuum (I drained the pond first) - unfortunately I didn't see the frogs & to cut a long story short I sorta, kinda got 3 frogs sucked into the vacuum before I could switch it off. My kind deed ended up costing me a bit 'cos I had to replace the vacuum :rolleyes:

:eek5: FROGSLAYER!.....:bolt: