Bribing people


OK now I've bribed a lot of officials and other people in my life, but I was wondering... If you go to a country and culture where bribing is accepted and actually expected, would you bribe a custom's agent so that you can pass through faster? Would you bribe a police man not to search your bag, knowing that you are NOT smuggling anything? Basically, what I'm trying to ask is would you bribe someone to make life for yourself easier, if you know you're not doing anything illegal? How about bribing someone when you DO have something to hide?

I will think about this a bit and post my reply. :)
OK personally I would always bribe to make my life easier, and if it is expected in the culture. I would probably bribe someone if I know I did something illegal which isn't that bad and really wanted to get away with it... ie, speeding.

In a culture where bribing is frowned upon, I wouldn't do it.
if its expected... its blackmail and extortion.. not a bribe.

Bribing customs officers can land you in jail for like 12 years. You never know when youre being watched and tested and taped. Thats not worth speeding up any process.
unclehobart said:
Bribing customs officers can land you in jail for like 12 years. You never know when youre being watched and tested and taped. Thats not worth speeding up any process.
In the US... in some places they throw you 12 years in jail if you don't bribe them... OK maybe not, but your life is so much harder.
unclehobart said:
if its expected... its blackmail and extortion.. not a bribe.
So you're saying 95% of all companies in Malaysia are guilty of blackmail and extortion? *frown* I don't agree... I know for a fact every single company my dad created, or negotiated contracts with, "coffee money" was involved in getting the contract or job.

When stopped by cop for speeding, put a RM50 note in your passport when you give it to them... Being an expat, they usually look you over, pocket the money, and wave you through.
LastLegionary said:
unclehobart said:
if its expected... its blackmail and extortion.. not a bribe.
So you're saying 95% of all companies in Malaysia are guilty of blackmail and extortion? *frown* I don't agree...

I do agree. I spent 3 years in Panama (where bribing is an expected custom), and the simple act of not bribing a police officer could get you several extra, usually trumped up, charges.
Gato_Solo said:
LastLegionary said:
unclehobart said:
if its expected... its blackmail and extortion.. not a bribe.
So you're saying 95% of all companies in Malaysia are guilty of blackmail and extortion? *frown* I don't agree...

I do agree. I spent 3 years in Panama (where bribing is an expected custom), and the simple act of not bribing a police officer could get you several extra, usually trumped up, charges.
OK then, lets say then that it can sometimes be blackmail and extortion, because sometimes if you don't bribe, you just get delayed 30 minutes or so which is _normal_ for customs. But we're splitting hairs here... the question was, WOULD you do it to make life easier for you when its expected?
Its blackmail when your business deals will fail if you dont brinbe certain officials. its extortion when your physical freedom and health are jeapordized if you don't comply. I would not enter a country where such practices are institutionalized. Youre just begging for trouble. If you pay once.. you will be expected to keep on paying and paying and paying forever. Its immoral. I will not.
Hehe, some of the countries I've been to require you to declare how much you made from bribes and pay tax on that... :D
Tips comes from the phrase, To Insure Prompt Service, and was originally done in steps, when you entered a restaurant, you would tip the host, then as your waiter came to your table, you would tip the waiter, to insure prompt service. At the end of the meal, if the waiter was exceptionally good, you tipped him again, as a special thank you. The tradition was lost sometime in the 50's to 60's depending on your area, when people started just tipping at the end of the meal as a thank you, or not tipping as a way of saying you recieved bad service.

Anyway, any country that expects you to claim your "bribes" is surely referring to what we would consider tips, or gratuities.
I do feel the same way as Unc on this though, if I'm expected to pay up just to enter the country without being harassed, I will do my best to avoid that country. Certain times if I knew I could get away with it, I would bribe an official to get out of trouble, (Speeding tickets) Otherwise, I would be too afraid it would be a trap and get me in more trouble than I already am.
I've bribed once, we got out of a night club all drunk and a patrol stopped us, we had to give him money, i was not the driver, even thou i gave him money.

Now I just ask them for my ticket (or whatever it is named), i must admit they get pissed, but they still give it to you.
I bribed once, well, I was invloved in the bribe though I didn't hand over the money, my roommate did.

There were four of us, we had been waiting in line to get into the club n campus for 1.5 hours. We were next in line and were told we probably wouldn't get in because they were over capacity and the people with line bipass (athletes who had played a game that day and some others) had to get in first. So, the guy that came out to tell us that went back inside, my roommate slipped the bouncer a 20 and the four of us were in 5 min later :D