Brilliant idea...

Taxes don't stop fat. Taxes don't stop anything. Ask Mikey, He likes 'em.
It'll end up with a lawsuit. I can't say I disagree. If this isn't discriminating then 2/3 of what falls out of the Revvvarrrunnnd Jacksahhhhnnnn's mouth should be ignored also.

Wait a minute...2/3 of it IS ignored...nevermind...
It'll end up with a lawsuit. I can't say I disagree. If this isn't discriminating then 2/3 of what falls out of the Revvvarrrunnnd Jacksahhhhnnnn's mouth should be ignored also.

Wait a minute...2/3 of it IS ignored...nevermind...

Ummm...this is about a 'fat tax' in Australia...
I know. Like I said, it'll end up in a lawsuit, because it does clesrly show discrimination against one group of people.
From the other side of the seat, I've been discriminated against by the gigantic person that tried to sit next to me at a race one year. I paid for my seat, but wasn't able to use it because the behemoth took it.
So if we follow it far enough, what's next? Who gets zapped next? People with small, unruly children? People who decline daily hygeine? People with cell phones? Where does it lead?

I've been squeezed out by large folk before as well. It's irritating. I've had meals ruined by some ditz who thinks it's appropriate to apply perfume by the gallon jug. I lost count of how many times house apes running amok have ruined movies, meals, any number of events while the airhead parents sat idly by and allowed their hellish offspring to carry on. Already we've ostracized smokers. Now we're going to work on overweight people. Sooner or later all of us are going to fall into one of the "naughty" catagories. Guess we'll all get a chance to bellyache before it's all said and done. Maybe that's the "new equality".
From the other side of the seat, I've been discriminated against by the gigantic person that tried to sit next to me at a race one year. I paid for my seat, but wasn't able to use it because the behemoth took it.

Park your on theirs.
So if we follow it far enough, what's next? Who gets zapped next? People with small, unruly children? People who decline daily hygeine? People with cell phones? Where does it lead?

I tried that route when speaking out about smoking bans. The derision here was thick and sloppily cast. If i recall, smokers lost that battle, much to the smug satisfaction of non-smokers. I also recall mentioning obesity being the next thing. ;)

SnP said:
I've been squeezed out by large folk before as well. It's irritating. I've had meals ruined by some ditz who thinks it's appropriate to apply perfume by the gallon jug. I lost count of how many times house apes running amok have ruined movies, meals, any number of events while the airhead parents sat idly by and allowed their hellish offspring to carry on. Already we've ostracized smokers. Now we're going to work on overweight people. Sooner or later all of us are going to fall into one of the "naughty" catagories. Guess we'll all get a chance to bellyache before it's all said and done. Maybe that's the "new equality".

I'm sure most *ahem* large people know that they are large. The issue here is how sensitive we have to be due to their life choices. Note the word 'choices'.
IMO, no more so than any other difference between people. But I guess the guy sporting the battle flag avatar is maybe more tolerent than other folks are. I don't demand anyone go stand in the wind, rain, and/or snow just because they smoke or do anything else that is different from me for that matter. Whodathunk it?
IMO, no more so than any other difference between people. But I guess the guy sporting the battle flag avatar is maybe more tolerent than other folks are. I don't demand anyone go stand in the wind, rain, and/or snow just because they smoke or do anything else that is different from me for that matter. Whodathunk it?

Mayhap not, but that wasn't, exactly, my argument...