Britain joins the saber rattling


Well-Known Member
Britain has laid out the law for Iran and has said in no uncertain terms that any act on the part of Iran to close the Straight of Hormuz will be met by swift action.


U.K. joins Persian Gulf fray with warning of its own

by: Bloomberg
Thursday, January 5, 2012

The UK may take military action against Iran if it carries out its threat to block the Strait of Hormuz, Defense Secretary Philip Hammond will warn in a speech in Washington today.

Any attempt by Iran to block the strategically important waterway in retaliation for sanctions against its oil exports would be “illegal and unsuccessful” and the Royal Navy will join any action to keep it open, Hammond will say, according to extracts of the address released by his office.

“Our joint naval presence in the Arabian Gulf, something our regional partners appreciate, is key to keeping the Straits of Hormuz open for international trade,” Hammond will say. “Disruption to the flow of oil through the Straits of Hormuz would threaten regional and global economic growth,” he will say, arguing that “it is in all our interests that the arteries of global trade are kept free, open and running.”