BT upgrades all customers to 2Mb connections


Well-Known Member
BT IS SET to upgrade all of its Broadband Basic customers to 2Meg broadband from tomorrow, it said today.
The 2Mb upgrade, soon to be the standard for all packages, will not cost anything extra for current or future customers.

BT group managing director Gavin Patterson said: "Today's announcement creates a standard of a minimum broadband speed of 2Mb for all our retail broadband services - these higher speeds open up a wealth of new possibilities for the use of broadband."

It's not the first time BT has upgraded customers for no extra cost: back in February, BT upped the speed for all of its retail broadband customers.

BT believes that soon the "battleground in broadband will be in differentiating services rather than price and speed as it is today."

So we're waiting to see what difference this all makes, starting from tomorrow. µ


Hold on to your fucking hats.
Insightbb bumped me up to 4mb down, 512 up with no extra charge. At work we have 6.5mb metro ethernet in both directions, DS1 backup.
Cox Broadband Packages

Available packages for high speed Internet from Cox include:
Premier Broadband
Downstream: 5 Mbps/ upstream: 768 Kbps
Price: $64.95/mo., bundled price: $54.95

Preferred Broadband
Downstream:4 Mbps/ upstream: 512 Kbps
Price: $49.95/mo., bundled price: $39.95
I pay $34.99/month, close to your "prefered" package.

At work I checked the usage reports today, we got 10 mbps average over a minute around noon today. The must have our burst setting pretty damn high, either that or they restarted a switch and didn't save the config with our rate limit.