

New Member
Well, the title says it all really. i've got to go to work in 30 mins :(

See y'all sometime tomorrow :)

He's gotta be from the UK. Nobody in the Americas says bugger. Or Bum for that matter. At least not in that respect. In WWII/Britain they used to hand out pamplets to the American soldiers telling them not to say things like "You look like a bum".
work schmerck ... don't go .. stay here with us come on .. you know we're all here .. we're all doing it [/peer pressure]

The UK? You think? What gave it away? Certainly not the little tag line under his pic that sez: manchester, uk...

*cracks a Sherlock Holmes joke*
Ok Smartass. Let's pretend the tag wasn't there, bugger would have given him away.

Yes that's right, for all you non super-sleuths and those of you who are just too plain stupid to see that it says "MANCHESTER, UK" under my av, I thus conclude that I am a Brit. :D

See y'all soon :headbang: