

New Member
Anyone ever play?
I am going to play next friday and from what I have heard from some of the neighborhood wimmins is that it is "a mindless game that offers us an excuse to get together and drink" so I say "oh, like poker" and they go "oh, no where near that involved - plus it's dice" so I say "oh, like farckle?" and they all go "...what?..."
So what gives?
Anyone ever play?
I am going to play next friday and from what I have heard from some of the neighborhood wimmins is that it is "a mindless game that offers us an excuse to get together and drink" so I say "oh, like poker" and they go "oh, no where near that involved - plus it's dice" so I say "oh, like farckle?" and they all go "...what?..."
So what gives?

hehehe .. actually, I belonged to a club when I lived in Waimea. We had the 12 regulars, 4 alternates and a wait list for alternate players :D. We played once a month - each of us taking turns as hostess. The rules were, though, that there was no drinking except for our Holiday game. We got together with wimmens we don't normally hang out with, have a great dinner, great coffee and fabulous conversations along with competitive games and awesome prizes. We paid $7 per game, the money going to buy the prizes and the amount spent on each prize was according to category. I actually miss it. I haven't heard of any clubs on this island that "allow" drinking except for special events. Not sure about the other islands.
Apparently these parties can be a lot of fun. I heard someone passed out in a locked bathroom last time. Crazy. I'm not a heavy drinker - or should I say that I don't drink to that extreme but I like it when a party is full of folks with one or two under their belt to lighten the mood (especially when it's a neighborhood shindig where folks aren't driving).
I have to pay $2 and bring an appetizer. Plus we are doing a white elephant gift swap at this month's. Should be fun.
awwww I'm envious! I miss that ... we had women as young as 19 and as old as 60 ... that was a great time. I miss it ... Have fun!
Going to play tonight!
I am making a bruschetta dip to go with Triscuits and baby carrots, my wrapped gift is one bottle each of bath and body works shower gel and body spray in citrus basil and wine glass stem ornaments that look like Christmas lights.
I found out that one of my favorite moms from the bus stop is attending and I'll be catching a ride home with her. Should be a fun evening.
i actually read an artcle in newsweek about it, an essay a woman had submitted about how she watched her mom and her mom's friends grow and change over the years, and how they stayed so close because of their regular bunco games.
it made me want to try, it sounds really fun... and easy!
Okay! It was FUN!!!! At one point I was like...when are we going to play? It was a LOT of socializing but finally we started and the game is uber easy.
I found out that we do the wrapped gift thing everytime - not just at the holidays! Which is awesome because I love a good white elephant party!
We play rounds of bunco and after each round the winners go get a gift (one for everyone) until everyone has one or until there are just a few left and then the losers can pick one too. Then the following rounds see the losers line up in the kitchen and the winners can swap gifts with them!
We played one game of bunco and then it was back to socializing. They call it drunko for a reason! Wow!
I had about one too many as I was eating light...but it was worth it. Good times!