Bush has destroyed us


molṑn labé
Staff member
I love these stories. They are a lesson on doublespeak. First we need to define poverty. Then we need to seperate those in poverty from those who are just poor. Then we need to define poor. Of the proposed 36,000,000 poverty stricken in the US I bet that 35,000,000+ have a car, a TV & a microwave. I further bet that 100% of poverty stricken residents in, say, Uganda, would trade places with our poverty stricken in a heartbeat.

Nearly 36 Million Americans Living in Poverty
Aug 26, 10:28 AM (ET)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some 1.3 million Americans slid into poverty in 2003 despite the economic recovery, and children and blacks were worse off than most, the government said on Thursday in a report certain to fuel Democratic criticism of President Bush.

The percentage of the U.S. population living in poverty rose to 12.5 percent from 12.1 percent in 2002, the Census Bureau said in its annual poverty report, seen by some as the most important score card on the nation's economy and Bush's first term in office. The ranks of the poor rose to 35.9 million, a boost of 1.3 million.

Health care coverage also dropped last year and incomes were essentially stagnant, the Census Bureau said in its annual poverty report, seen by some as the most important score card on the nation's economy and Bush's first term in office.

2002 Census stats defining poverty.

Wait, HHS, Health & Human Services gave the 2004 group quite a raise.

Wow, being poor is an in-depth social issue;
When government undertook to wage war on poverty in the prosperous United States of the 1960s, poverty was defined largely in terms of income. Poor people were perceived as differing from the rest of society primarily in their lack of money, and the apparent solution was to correct the income shortfall in a simple, efficient, and standardized manner. But decades of research and experience with antipoverty programs have made it clear that poverty involves very complex, interrelated and sometimes intractable socioeconomic, family, and individual issues. Understanding of these issues at the root of poverty is at the heart of IRP's intitutional purpose.
Institute for Research on Poverty Understanding Poverty.

Ugh oh, the UK has broadened the horizon even more
The research conducted by the UK Center for Poverty Research is focused on the study of poverty and inequality, and the public policies targeted at these problems, particularly as they pertain to the residents of the South. To achieve this objective the UKCPR brings together senior and junior scholars and students across multiple disciplines to create an environment conducive to interdisciplinary poverty research.
UKCPR *University of Kentucky.

ah, screw it. We're all gonna die.
Your logic with the ownership of crap is iffy Gonz.

So my husband say loses his job and can't find another for whyever beyond minimum wage. So we sell our car, and our microwave, and our tv...and with that then we are able to keep going for a few months and not eat bologna 3 times a day, slowly starving to death or pickin up scurvy. Then what?
Ask a poor Iraqi if they'd be happy with 3 bologna sandwiches a day. Ask a poor Rwandan if owning a car is typical amongst poor Rwandans. I've yet to see a poor Nicaraguan with a Panasonic Microwave in their kitchen. In fact, some poor Nicaraguans don't have kitchens.

Poverty is not equitable to poor.