Bush @ the U.N.


Well-Known Member
Bush told the U.N. basically do your job or we'll do it for you! I love it! Clean and simple common sense!

Oh and Scott ritter is a traitor to our country.
Yep, gotta love Bush! :) Can't we just get rid of the UN? They are just there sucking millions of dollars and ain't doing shit for the world.
I know the guy did a 180! Even his comrads/coworkers don't know what happened. A bizaar story that will probably dissapear quickly.
Ritter got completely & utterly shit on by his country. I'm unsure why he has taken the opposing view & will wait to find out before passing judgement.

I listened to the speech live & wasn't impressed. He used political double speak & didn't mandate squat. It was a good speech, don't get me wrong. It laid out the powerplay of Iraq vs the UN quite well but he never brought forth the most important part- why now?- what makes today any different than 2001? 1997? 1994? I am pro use-of-force in Iraq & have been since the inspectors got booted the first time. Why is the official US stance suddenly changing?

Also, can anybody show me the mandate in the UN charter, or the US Constitution, where it says a country MUST get permission from the UN before starting agressions against an enemy state.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Right there I believe, :D
like dubya or not, somethings working

In a shift likely to put more pressure on Saddam Hussein, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said Sunday that U.S. forces may have access to bases in the kingdom to attack Iraq — provided military action has United Nations endorsement
I heard an interesting opinion today. A couple of UN inspectors told the House armed Forces committee on tuesday that if America hadn't gone into Iraq a decade ago that they(Iraq) would have approximately twelve nuclear weapons by now.
