Bush vs Iraq


molṑn labé
Staff member
Before I journey into the vast wastelands called New England, let me leave you with this to ponder, answer, argue over & finally, neglect.

If the Iraq war is over oil, why did we put out the fires that saddams troops set on their way home from the last ass-kicking they took, re-set the rigs after the fires were out and, most importantly, stay put? They are our oil rigs (shell, exxon, whatnot). We (Nato) found the oil. We taught the middle eastern countries to produce it from the ground. We turned all of it over to them. During the first Bush war over oil, we again, gave it back.

We were there. They were in our control. We didn't stay. Why?
Those oil fires were in kuwaite, not Iraq....And the world would not have let us occupy for the purpose of pillage....Furthermore, regardless of the part US businesses played in developing the oil assets in foreign countries, its still their oil. I'm sure those companies got their monies worth from whatever deals were made...I don't see them collapsing in poverty from it..
But you are the boss, look at how many of us followed your orders. Except Squiggy and I, you have quite a flock under your control.
:p PT

Squiggy said:
the world would not have let us occupy for the purpose of pillage

We wouldn't have had to pillage. The Kuwaiti's invited us.

The argument is still open. We were there, it was a war for oil, we had it, again & left. So, why now?
C'mon Gonz. You know its not about occupying the country. All we need to do is put a regime in place thats 'friendly' to our demands. Just like we do everywhere....Otherwise we would be picking the fight with Saudi Arabia....
Squiggy said:
All we need to do is put a regime in place thats 'friendly' to our demands.

Like maybe saving several million muslims, again? We saved muslims in Kuwait & Iraq (we could have done far more damnage) & in the Balkans, we tried in (African nation)but they shot down our helicopters. Yet we're the oppressive unilateral attackers?

Saudi ought to be on our short list of evil empires too.
Kuwait had a no better "human rights" record than Iraq. But they were friendly to our oil interest so we let them be. Don't try to justify whats going on with Iraq by pointing out Africa or other things that are irrelevant to it. Do you really think the Saudis meet our expectations of human rights. Do you think our puppet, the Shaw of Iran was a decent chap. Fuck no! But they were/are friendly to our oil interests and thats all that mattered. Open your fucking eyes and quit trying to justify an aggression. What we have in the works regarding weaponry would undoubtably make Iraq look like they were gathering acorns to throw. So don't pretend that "they" are doing something horrendous and we're virgins protecting our virtue...
I heard on the news today that one of the military guys
said they have a plan to protect the oil rigs as one of the
first priorities when they start in.:shrug:
The main arguement there is not that we're going to take
control of them for our own perposes, but that they would
be what helps finance the people to rebuild after they get
blown away.
That is a good point, not sure it it's true, but it's a good point none the less. The fact is that Saddam is a madman, if we don't take him out now, he will continue to build his weapons until he thinks he has enough to put a serious dent in the world, then he'll do it just to show all of us what a bad ass he is. That is why we are going in and taking him out, plain and simple.
Thats the same reason we build weapons...and now we're acting like a bad ass. I agree Sadam is an asshole. So lets just say we're going to kill the asshole and stop hiding behind all this bullshit. Face it, if he so much as flinched aggressively, Isreal could wipe him out in hours. We prefer to have Isreal keep a low profilre so as not to inflame other Islamic and Arab nations, so we're going to do it. Conveniently, it assures the donations by weapons contrators to the next Bush campaign....and so on. I just wish they'ld be up front with their motives. And I wish the American public would be smart enough to recognise things for what they are instead of what "they" say they are.