Bush's Democratic Dream for Middle East Playing Out in Iran


Well-Known Member
Whatever else former president George W. Bush got wrong, he was right about this at least: "The world has a clear interest in the spread of democratic values, because stable and free nations do not breed the ideologies of murder." (Speech to American Enterprise Institute, February 2003.) That is, foster liberty in the world’s most oppressive countries and watch the axis of evil bend, then break.

Look at Iran today.

True, the burden of proof is on anybody who wants to attribute a passion for liberty to Tehran’s crowds. At one point, more than a million people were thought to be out disputing the announced result of their country’s election, which against all likelihood and expectation, handed power to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for another four years. That’s a lot of people demanding, "Where’s my vote?"

But, it could be about the economic shambles. Inflation is high, so is unemployment. Iran exports oil, but must import gasoline.

Ahmadinejad wasn’t running on his record.

Iran has had democratic elections for quite some time.

It's pretty ludicrous that you're trying to attribute anything about this to Bush. That must be why you're winking though.
Well shit, we should have let them vote on "Should the US get the fuck out of our country?" a long time ago then.

Iran has had democratic elections for quite some time.

It's pretty ludicrous that you're trying to attribute anything about this to Bush. That must be why you're winking though.

sorta. the ayatolla assaholla still reigns supreme and that bitch ain't elected.

and we'll see what's happening in iraq in 5 years.
"Eventually, the call of freedom comes to every mind and every soul. We do not accept the existence of permanent tyranny because we do not accept the possibility of permanent slavery.

Liberty will come to those who love it. All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you."- President George W. Bush, 1/20/2005

0bama knows that the reason this is happening in Iran is because the people watched Iraq have 5 free and fair elections: they see freedom next door and they want it too.

If the Mullahs lose power 0bama won't be able to hide the fact that the Bush doctrine worked and that going into Iraq and setting up a democracy in the heart of the Middle East changed the world and made the United States safer.

Militant Islam would wither and die on the vine. Hezbollah and Hammas would crumble. Palestinians would have no choice but to seek peace. Kim Jong Il and Hugo Chavez would be left alone, twisting in the wind.

And after the dust settled there would be one Barak Hussein 0bama, he who "opposed the war in Iraq" .

That is why he is the only President in our 233 year history who has not taken a stand for freedom.

This is Bush's Legacy.

God bless those seeking freedom in Iran -- Let Freedom Ring!
Except Cerise, you do not even understand the concept of freedom. What you refer to is freedom to do what you approve of, which is a vastly different thing than actual freedom.
Except Cerise, you do not even understand the concept of freedom. What you refer to is freedom to do what you approve of, which is a vastly different thing than actual freedom.

Ah, but Jackass: the point is that Boooooooosh! understood the concept of freedom, didn't he?

And the current occupant of the WH hasn't a clue, and only cares about how his decisions make him look.

And his decisions make him look like:

0bamaco knows if Iran is successful it will be because of the spark that Bush started in Iraq. True freedom and liberty in the ME. 0bama and the dims will be unable to rewrite that history and it will prove how wrong they were.

The Iranian people are fighting for freedom as we are letting our freedoms die.

Prior to this month's disputed presidential election in Iran, the Obama administration sent a letter to the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling for an improvement in relations, according to interviews and the leader himself.
0bama knows that the reason this is happening in Iran is because the people watched Iraq have 5 free and fair elections: they see freedom next door and they want it too.

Bullshit, Iran had free and fair elections along time ago. If you go by cause effect if anything Bush's policies have caused Iran to not have free and fair elections.

If the Mullahs lose power 0bama won't be able to hide the fact that the Bush doctrine worked and that going into Iraq and setting up a democracy in the heart of the Middle East changed the world and made the United States safer.

Bush doctrine had nothing to do with it. Iran already had democratic elections. If anything Bush caused them to be less democratic.

Militant Islam would wither and die on the vine. Hezbollah and Hammas would crumble. Palestinians would have no choice but to seek peace. Kim Jong Il and Hugo Chavez would be left alone, twisting in the wind.


OMG, just make up your own little fantasy. It's entertaining.

And after the dust settled there would be one Barak Hussein 0bama, he who "opposed the war in Iraq" .

Looking like the smartest man in the room after the disaster that is Iraq.

That is why he is the only President in our 233 year history who has not taken a stand for freedom.

Obama has taken a stand for freedom as opposed to Bush who was hell bent on taking away freedoms. ;)

This is Bush's Legacy. Worst president evar.

Except Cerise, you do not even understand the concept of freedom. What you refer to is freedom to do what you approve of, which is a vastly different thing than actual freedom.

I think she is speaking of freedom from having your limbs severed.

Freedom from being thrown from tall buildings.

Freedom from having your wife gang raped in front of you.

Freedom from women being picked up off of the street by the dictator's sons and raped and murdered.

Freedom from having your children thrown in acid vats in front of you.

Freedom from having electric prods attached to your genitals.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. Freedom from being closed in a box with a caterpillar.
Ah, but Jackass: the point is that Boooooooosh! understood the concept of freedom, didn't he?

And the current occupant of the WH hasn't a clue, and only cares about how his decisions make him look.

And his decisions make him look like:


He will stand around and do nothing like Clinton did with Rwanda. It will give him still one more thing to apologize for.

Clinton apologized for Rwanda.
I think she is speaking of freedom from having your limbs severed.

Freedom from being thrown from tall buildings.

Freedom from having your wife gang raped in front of you.

Freedom from women being picked up off of the street by the dictator's sons and raped and murdered.

Freedom from having your children thrown in acid vats in front of you.

Freedom from having electric prods attached to your genitals.

Oh, yeah, I forgot. Freedom from being closed in a box with a caterpillar.

holy shit whitebread, we could save the whole world from all that stuff!!!! when are we invading?

maybe someday when we get done saving the world we'll work on being less of lazy dumbshits headed for (or already engaged in) shit jobs.
I think she is speaking of freedom from having your limbs severed.

Freedom from being thrown from tall buildings.

Freedom from having your wife gang raped in front of you.

Freedom from women being picked up off of the street by the dictator's sons and raped and murdered.

Freedom from having your children thrown in acid vats in front of you.

Freedom from having electric prods attached to your genitals.

Shit well since thry got most of that stuff now plus a shit ton more deaths and rape and threw in a little torture and a big ol' refugee problem I guess they got the opposite of freedom.
I guess you aren't too familiar with what goes on in Iraq.

But hey, it's a good thing Obama's election made so many Iranians realize that neither the USA nor Iran need radical right wing extremists in pissing contests and they've decided to go more liberal.
But hey, it's a good thing Obama's election made so many Iranians realize that neither the USA nor Iran need radical right wing extremists in pissing contests and they've decided to go more liberal.

That is classic.