Bush's economic success


Apparently Bush's tax cuts and 'sound' economic policies are reaping what they intended....a greater divide in classes...

Hunger and Homelessness Increase in U.S.
5 hours ago
By SIOBHAN McDONOUGH, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Hunger and homelessness increased in many of America's largest cities this year, with growing demand for emergency food supplies for families with children, the elderly and even people with jobs, a survey by U.S. mayors finds.

The report by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, released Thursday, found that requests for emergency food assistance rose 17 percent overall from last year in the survey of 25 large cities. Requests for emergency shelter assistance increased by 13 percent, the report showed.

Most of the cities expected that requests for emergency food assistance and shelter would rise again over the coming year, the study said.

Food needs for the poor grew in nearly nine out of 10 of the surveyed cities.

Denver suffered the greatest spike in demand for emergency food, with requests rising 48 percent this year. Food needs rose 40 percent in Louisville, Ky., 27 percent in Providence, R.I., and 25 percent in Charleston, S.C. Seattle reported a decrease in emergency food requests of 8 percent.

Unemployment, low paying jobs, high housing costs, substance abuse and high energy and utility costs are contributing to the hunger problem, the report said.

"This survey underscores the impact the economy has had on everyday Americans," said James A. Garner, Conference of Mayors president.

The study said as need increased, more than half of the cities had to turn hungry people away, with more than 14 percent of requests for emergency food assistance going unmet.

Requests for food assistance by families with children increased by 18 percent and requests by elderly persons increased by 13 percent during the past year. Overall, nearly three out of four cities reported an increase in food assistance requests.

"The report is full of bad news, but solutions are there," said Michael Lennon, chief executive officer of Home Aid America, a group that helps homeless people get jobs and housing.

"The economy is on the rebound, they're doing well in the building industry, but as the economy is going up, prices go up, and housing costs go up," he said. "It's good for people who own homes, but hard on people who are renters."

Governments need to respond by providing more transitional housing so people have a roof over their heads while they build job skills and save up for rent, Lennon added.

The study also found:

_Fifty-nine percent of the people requesting emergency food assistance were members of families.

_Thirty-nine percent of the adults requesting emergency food assistance were employed.

_Requests for shelter by homeless families alone increased by 15 percent.

_People remain homeless an average of five months _ longer than before, in most cities.

_Single men comprise 41 percent of the homeless population, families with children 40 percent, single women 14 percent and unaccompanied youth 5 percent.

The U.S. Conference of Mayors surveyed 25 major cities whose mayors were members of its task force on hunger and homelessness.
In this time of econimic uncertainty bla bla bla...

Let me be to the point. Bush's economic policies suck yes. But at this point in time foreign policy is, in my view, more crucial than economic policy. Until the democrats(or any other party) can put forth someone that has a fair and logical foreign policy i will continue to give my support to guys like Bush(as much as i'd rather not).

And just to set some minds straight...Clinton was not responsible for the economies great success in the 90's, it was the computer/communications revolution.
Hex, he's increased non-military discretionary domestic spending my over 20%. No other president, republican or democrat has done close to that since FDR. Billy decreased it one percent. That has notheing to do with foreign policy, except that the foreign policy distracts us from what he's doing here.
chcr said:
Hex, he's increased non-military discretionary domestic spending my over 20%. No other president, republican or democrat has done close to that since FDR. Billy decreased it one percent. That has notheing to do with foreign policy, except that the foreign policy distracts us from what he's doing here.

Would you please delineate Ch? I don't understand your point.
Ignoring domestic policy is a really, really bad idea, regardless of what you think about foreign policy. This is where we live.
chcr said:
Ignoring domestic policy is a really, really bad idea, regardless of what you think about foreign policy. This is where we live.


My post dissapeared.

Very Brief repeat...

Yes, we live right here on earth among almost 200 other nations. Obviously i'm not speaking of ignoring domestic policy. However we are at a crucial junction in world history and so it is that much more important that we pay attention to international issues and understand what roll the US will play in the future of the world community.
HeXp£Øi± said:

My post dissapeared.

Very Brief repeat...

Yes, we live right here on earth among almost 200 other nations. Obviously i'm not speaking of ignoring domestic policy. However we are at a crucial junction in world history and so it is that much more important that we pay attention to international issues and understand what roll the US will play in the future of the world community.

Sorry to disagree, Hex, but I've always been interested in current events, so I was paying attention the last few times something like this happened. Ten years from now it will be like it never happened. the next recession, however, affects me and mine very personally, and it's going to be a lot worse than the last one. I realize you don't think I know what i'm talking about, but just wait and see.
chcr said:
I realize you don't think I know what i'm talking about, but just wait and see.

Sometimes Ch, i think you ought not listen to that committee in your head so much. I've been predicting a huge economic depression for years, but not because of what George W Bush is or isn't doing. Fanatics that look to blame Bush are letting themselves be decieved. This is something that's been building up since the 70's. Bush is but the icing on the cake of the entire shithouse and Clinton did just as much if not more damage than Bush just by ignoring every important international issue during the entire eight years he was in office. I will never understand why people let themselves become so party faithful that they are blinded to the obvious.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Sometimes Ch, i think you ought not listen to that committee in your head so much. I've been predicting a huge economic depression for years, but not because of what George W Bush is or isn't doing. Fanatics that look to blame Bush are letting themselves be decieved. This is something that's been building up since the 70's. Bush is but the icing on the cake of the entire shithouse and Clinton did just as much if not more damage than Bush just by ignoring every important international issue during the entire eight years he was in office. I will never understand why people let themselves become so party faithful that they are blinded to the obvious.
Oh, okay, I see I've been a fanatic. I will certainly change every opinion I've ever held. :rolleyes: I hope I'm not putting words in your mouth. BTW, the depression your talking about building since the seventies happened in the eighties. This is a new one, and it is not caused by Bush, he's just hastening it by refusing to admit the problem exists. Foreign policy conerns must be addressed, but not at the expense of the American people, and that's what I feel he's doing. He's all wrapped up in being the "most powerful man in the world" while ignoring whats going on in his own backyard. Politicians in general are liars, thieves and con-men, and the difference between republicans and democrats is marketing, nothing else. We don't have to complacently accept it though, or at least I don't.

Edit: BTW, I don't hear voices in my head, I'll leave that crap to others.
George W. Bush said:
God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.
HeXp£Øi± said:
In this time of econimic uncertainty bla bla bla...

Let me be to the point. Bush's economic policies suck yes. But at this point in time foreign policy is, in my view, more crucial than economic policy. Until the democrats(or any other party) can put forth someone that has a fair and logical foreign policy i will continue to give my support to guys like Bush(as much as i'd rather not).

And just to set some minds straight...Clinton was not responsible for the economies great success in the 90's, it was the computer/communications revolution.

Hmm - Hex, how can you say a sound foreign policy is more important than economic policy in your own country? That's a bit backwards IMO because surely you need sound domestic policies in place before you can venture outside your borders and institute any kind of policy there. After all if your tax dollars keep going toward building a nation that has nothing to do with you really or forging bonds that at this stage is costing more than it is really worth or will bring in in the forseeable future, yet homelessness and unemployement in your own backyard goes unaddressed - what the hell are you paying for?

Would you happily sit by and watch the social and economic foundation of your own country slip into ruins all for the ake of keeping face in the international world and dictating foreign policy to the rest of the world?

And saying that 'we are at a crucial junxion in world history' as a reason for not paying as much attention to domestic affairs is rather 'blind'. After all, if the people in the country aren't happy, why would they consider supporting someone who cares more about foreign policies than taking care of his own?

BTW - that very same principle is how many African countries are run.......I'm sure I don't have to tell you how great that's working for them.
You're right,
Bush is destroying our political and economic system
The Nazis have returned and are taking over
we've conquered Iraq to dominate the worlds oil supply
The economy is collapsing in America


I give up discussing this issue on otc. I'm drowning in the melodrama.
Never has anyone twisted my words and made me into such an extremist as you people.

You win.
So you finally admit that Bush is a Nazi? :D

Oh come off it, no-one is twisting your words, I was just asking whether or not you really think it is more important to focus on foreign policy than domestic affairs. But anyway, since you obviously thought it best to reply with sarcasm, then I guess the subject should be dropped.

So I guess I'll paddle around in the sea of melodrama and just be left to my own assupmtions :rolleyes:
HeXp£Øi± said:
You're right,
Bush is destroying our political and economic system
The Nazis have returned and are taking over
we've conquered Iraq to dominate the worlds oil supply
The economy is collapsing in America

actually......there IS a Bush-Nazi connection:

Prescott Bush (George W's grandfather) was a managing partner at Harriman Bank, a Wall Street connection for the Nazi Party. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prescott_Bush

do a Google search on Prescott Bush and you'll find LOADS of info, some credible, some not.... However, the fact remains that the Bush family profited from an economic relationship with the Nazi Party.
Wow. 8 years of Clinton & not one word on homelessness. It must have been alright then. He didn't do squat to end it.

Unemployment, low paying jobs, high housing costs, substance abuse and high energy and utility costs are contributing to the hunger problem, the report said.

Unemployment-low & dropping.
Low paying jobs-find a better one
High Housing costs-move
Enery & Utilities-nothing to do with Bush.
substance abuse-Third on the list....hmmmmm
I do have to point out that finding higher-paying jobs isn't as easy as it would seem. If it were, do you think I'd be delivering pizzas and being Home Depot's personal bitch, sometimes doing both in the same day?
Who said it would be easy? If it were, every Tom, Dick & Mary would have a high-perk job.

You gots you an ed-u-ma-cashion & that's a great start. It will happen. These shit jobs are so you know what it's like to be the peon. Those who chose peon as a profession shouldn't bitch.