Button Alignment ?


New Member
Hi when I view a thread I see the bottom buttons for newthread and newpostreply disalligned from eachother. Stay pro! align them :D
Picky little bastage :p

Make me some new buttons that actually match the style and don't look like crap and then I'll change em.
Squiggy said:
:eek5: You have wild pickles ya need to kill?
some times a pickle spear is just a pickle spear, you know? i can't have a pickle spear with my bacon sammich?
You're using a pickle to spear a sandwich? that don't make no sense at all. I would just like a foot massage waiting for me please.
but....a spear is such a cold hearted weapon....You have to get so close you might get juice all over you...
Squiggy said:
I want a bacon samich waiting when I sign in...:licklips:
Off topic at post number 4. That's gotta be up there in the ranks (the "Keep on topic" thread doesn't count)
buttons ;)

Not sure if this is what you had in mind, but .. they are merge between the official buttons and the blue buttons from the admin control panel blue (default) style.
quite fun i'd say.
Re: buttons ;)

Yay!!! Look good to me, better than those piece of shit green ones anyway. :D