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Snow and sub-zero temperatures greet the Copenhagen conference.


Forecast for Copenhagen

issued Wednesday December 16 at 05:30 hours

Cloudy with some snow. Maximum day temperatures around 2 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 3 degrees Celsius. Light to moderate winds.

Cloudy with a little snow. Maximum day temperatures around minus 1 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 7 degrees Celsius. Up to fresh wind.

Cloudy with a little snow. Maximum day temperatures around minus 3 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 9 degrees Celsius. Light to moderate winds.

Cloudy weather. Maximum day temperatures around minus 3 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 4 degrees Celsius. Up to fresh wind.

Cloudy weather. Maximum day temperatures around minus 2 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 5 degrees Celsius. Light to moderate winds.

Cloudy with a little snow. Maximum day temperatures around 0 degrees Celsius, minimum night temperatures around minus 5 degrees Celsius. Up to fresh wind.
Journalists freezing their tits off in Copenhagen.

When you can hear your nipples spring erect you know its damned cold.


Journalists Freeze Waiting To Get Into Global Warming Conference
Photo of Noel Sheppard.
By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive)
December 15, 2009 - 15:14 ET

A group of journalists stood for many hours in near-freezing temperatures Monday waiting to get into the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen.

Marvelously among them was Associated Press science writer Seth Borenstein who regularly reports on the dire consequences of -- wait for it! -- global warming.

Ironically, his articles are so filled with inflammatory hyperbole concerning Nobel Laureate Al Gore's favorite bogeyman that scientists have denounced him.

But before we get there, the Climate Pool reported at Facebook Monday (h/t Tom Nelson):

With U.N. security letting in only those cleared last week, hundreds of accredited delegates, journalists and NGO representatives were left to stand for hours in near-freezing temperatures before being let through. "It was crazy," AP's Seth Borenstein said. "You couldn't leave the line. You couldn't go to the bathroom, you couldn't eat. Then snowflakes started falling. One woman even said, 'if lightning strikes me, would they take me out of line?'"

People started handing out food -- one gave out tangerines, another croissants. A man screamed "I don't need food. I need socks! I'm freezing my ass off out here." At one point, a U.N. official announced the wait would be longer, prompting the crowd to boo and chant "Let Us In!" [...]

Seth himself stepped into the line at 7:55 a.m. and was through at 3:15 p.m., but only after another AP reporter, John Heilprin, "saved my bacon" by persuading a U.N. security guard to go out and fetch him. "John was afraid to go out himself in case they wouldn't let him back in ... the first thing I did when I saw him was give him a big hug. I have never been so grateful to be indoors." Seth's neighbors in line? "Oh they're still out there."​

Honestly, you can't make this stuff up.

Doubling the irony, exactly one year ago Borenstein was ridiculed by scientists from around the world for a piece he wrote claiming: "Global warming is accelerating. Time is close to running out, and Obama knows it."

For some reason the link NewsBusters used in its report on Borenstein's disgraceful piece no longer works.

However, those interested can read about his article here, and view some of the denunciations here.

As a humorous aside, what Seth and his fellow journalists could really have used Monday was a little global warming.

Hit it, Elmer:


—Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters. Follow him at Facebook and Twitter.
In other news ...


Calgary beats record set in 1893
Dominic Terry, Radana Suk, Kelly Turner and Lisa Grant 2009-12-14 20:02

Calgary has beaten a weather record set more than 100 years ago.

At about 7:00 Monday morning, Calgary dipped to minus 32.4 degrees beating the old record by .2 degrees.

And at least twelve low temperature records have been broken, with the coldest being Sundre coming in at minus 41.6C.

That's prompting calls from the Catholic and public schools to warn parents about letting kids stand outside to wait for the bus. The frigid temperatures also cancelled bus service in the Chinook Edge School District.

The lowest windchill was in Camrose, where the wind makes it feel like minus 50C.

The record low temperature for Calgary is minus 32.2 set in 1893. The last time the city hit minus 40C was in 1997.

The Arctic air mass giving us the cold air will slowly move east beginning Tuesday and will be replaced by milder Pacific air.

A low in the Pacific will push rain onto the west coast, snow in the BC mountains, and warmer weather for Alberta.

We should hit minus 8 Tuesday, then go above zero starting Wednesday.

By Friday, chinook conditions may develop. It won't be warm enough
And through it all Al Gore still refuses to answer any questions on AGW


Journalist and filmmaker Phelim McAleer (Mine Your Own Business, Not Evil Just Wrong) attempts to ask Al Gore a question about 'Climategate' emails at the UN Climate Change Conference. Al Gore's Press Secretary grabs his -- McAleer's -- microphone and UN security guard pulls the cable from the microphone. For more Inconvenient Questions and answers about The True Cost of Global Warming Hysteria visit
OMG it's another negative "global warming isn't real" thread. how shocking.

But of course. The pro GW types use hurricanes, record high temperatures, etc as proof of their contentions. Are you saying that we should simply let them hoist their singularities without raising singularities of our own in refutation to their contentions?

You kinda like one-sided debates, huh?

Nice spamming.