By any other color


Southern Discomfort

African-American students at Louisiana State University marched across campus to protest some school fans' habit of flying a flag that kinda, sorta looks like the Confederate one during tailgate parties and at football games, reports the Baton Rouge Advocate.

Marchers, who started at LSU's African American Cultural Center and ended near Tiger Stadium, demanded that the administration ban the display of purple-and-gold Confederate flags because they disrespect black students.

"When you take the Confederate flag and put it in school colors, that's offensive to something I love," said marcher Westley Bayas.


I agree completely. It desecrates the Confederate battle flag, which I find deplorable. Shame on whoever is doing this.
You say you don't accept evolution, but it's seems painfully clear to me that humanity is devolving at a furious rate...
chcr said:
You say you don't accept evolution, but it's seems painfully clear to me that humanity is devolving at a furious rate...

Don't confuse self-destruction with devolution. :nerd:
Gato_Solo said:
Don't confuse self-destruction with devolution. :nerd:
I think of it as part of an overall self-regulating system. Even the most sculpted and perfect thinker, artist, olympian still sweats and shits waste material as a mater of course. This kind of thing barely rates as sweat in terms of humanity.
Loiusiana eh?

History affords no example of a people who changed their government for more just or substantial reasons. Louisiana looks to the formation of a Southern confederacy to preserve the blessings of African slavery

Pretty easy to see why they would have a problem with the flag.

Legally, slaves within the United States remained enslaved until the final ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution in December of on December 6, 1865

From wikipedia, in case you care to check the source.

So at the time the statement was written, Louisiana was acting on a legal, if horendous, practice. Legal I might add in EVERY State of the Union. Get off your fucking high horse with me.

Better than you has tried to paint my statements with the broad brush of whining "racist". They failed too. Read your history or STFU. Preferably the latter.
SouthernN'Proud said:
From wikipedia, in case you care to check the source.

So at the time the statement was written, Louisiana was acting on a legal, if horendous, practice. Legal I might add in EVERY State of the Union. Get off your fucking high horse with me.

Better than you has tried to paint my statements with the broad brush of whining "racist". They failed too. Read your history or STFU. Preferably the latter.
What you said doesn't have a damn thing to do with what the confederate flag represents. If you cared to read your history you'd know that the confederacy was formed to protect the south's precious slavery of blacks.

Because they were so intent on keeping slavery at least 600,000 Americans died in the war.

Anyone who is proud of that piece of shit flag is either ignorant, retarded, and/or pro-slavery.

PS: The fact that you took my statement "Pretty easy to see why they would have a problem with the flag" and somehow interpreted it as me calling you a racist with a broad brush gives me a clue which one you are.
flavio said:
What you said doesn't have a damn thing to do with what the confederate flag represents. If you cared to read your history you'd know that the confederacy was formed to protect the south's precious slavery of blacks.

Because they were so intent on keeping slavery at least 600,000 Americans died in the war.

Anyone who is proud of that piece of shit flag is either ignorant, retarded, and/or pro-slavery.

PS: The fact that you took my statement "Pretty easy to see why they would have a problem with the flag" and somehow interpreted it as me calling you a racist with a broad brush gives me a clue which one you are.

1. You have absolutely zero idea what that war was about. I have posted dozens of posts here explaining it. Anyone with a 9th grade education knows what the issues were. I shall now conclude that you do not have that much education.

2. Slavery was legal in every State in 1861.

3. Your comments about the flag my ancestors died for will be forgiven Once.

4. YOUR comments tell me something about you as well.

5. You have achieved a staus only one other person on this board has achieved with me. Have a nice life, rot in hell, whatever you choose to do. It won't ever reach me in any way. Your absolute refusal to even remotely consider the facts that you choose not to endorse has shown you to be what you are. I can and do live quite well without people like you in my life. When one dares come face to face with me and make the statements you have chosen to make, they regret it. Since I do not have the capability to break your fucking nose, I'll take the only option I have.

Say what you'll only strengthen my position, plus I'll never see it anyway. Your insignifigance is astronomical, and surpassed only by your ignorance of fact. Go back to waging war on Oakland's ever-growing rash of Klan killings, or however you entertain yourself when the night light goes out. It truly matters not to me.

One word of advice, though. Before you engage someone else on this topic, in person, you might want to invest in a hockey mask.
SouthernN'Proud said:
1. You have absolutely zero idea what that war was about. I have posted dozens of posts here explaining it. Anyone with a 9th grade education knows what the issues were. I shall now conclude that you do not have that much education.
Hey look it's right here---> "History affords no example of a people who changed their government for more just or substantial reasons. Louisiana looks to the formation of a Southern confederacy to preserve the blessings of African slavery"

Having trouble with some of those words?

2. Slavery was legal in every State in 1861.
Point? Nazis actions were legal in their country too at one time.

3. Your comments about the flag my ancestors died for will be forgiven Once.
I could give a crap.

4. YOUR comments tell me something about you as well.

5. You have achieved a staus only one other person on this board has achieved with me. Have a nice life, rot in hell, whatever you choose to do. It won't ever reach me in any way. Your absolute refusal to even remotely consider the facts that you choose not to endorse has shown you to be what you are. I can and do live quite well without people like you in my life. When one dares come face to face with me and make the statements you have chosen to make, they regret it. Since I do not have the capability to break your fucking nose, I'll take the only option I have.
Hey, the facts are right up above right from the mouths of the confederates in charge "to preserve the blessings of African slavery". Maybe you just can't face it.

But you're right that you don't have the capability to break my nose. I've never lost a fistfight in my life.

Say what you'll only strengthen my position,
Be proud of "to preserve the blessings of African slavery" all you want.

plus I'll never see it anyway.
A flag is just a symbol. Black people seeing it as a symbol of oppression is as valid as Southern people seeing it as a symbol of their heritage.

Instead of concentrating on those black people who find the flag to be used as a symbol of oppression, how about worrying about the morons who still go around using the Confederate flag as a symbol of white supremacy? Who carry out racist crimes with the flag clearly visible about them?
Bobby Hogg said:
A flag is just a symbol. Black people seeing it as a symbol of oppression is as valid as Southern people seeing it as a symbol of their heritage.

Instead of concentrating on those black people who find the flag to be used as a symbol of oppression, how about worrying about the morons who still go around using the Confederate flag as a symbol of white supremacy? Who carry out racist crimes with the flag clearly visible about them?

My feelings on that are well known also. For brevity, I will restate.

The battle flag of the Confederate States of America has been usurped and misused by several despicable organizations. These people are less than pond scum, their ideals even lower. At no time did the flag represent any manner of white supremacy when used legitimately. The flag that flew on every ship that ever brought a slave to America was the flag of the United States. If a flag on this soil therefore ever stood to endorse slavery, it was and is that one.

White supremists also wear Levi Strauss jeans, but I don't see people falling all over themselves to decry Levi's as racist.

I can only speak for myself when it comes to symbolism. It represents more than heritage to me. It represents brave men and women standing for the principles of the Constitution. All of them. It represents the right of the governed to have a say in their government. It represents the strength to stand up for yourself when you get bullied.

I understand that other people have other notions about it. That's OK too. I try to intelligently discuss various issues with anyone willing to hear. Sometimes that one caveat excludes some people; so be it. It's not my mission to convert, but simply to represent the actual true history of one of the world's most misunderstood icons. If at the end of the day we still disagree, that's OK too. Hopefully both of us will have left with more knowledge than we arrived with.
flavio said:
What you said doesn't have a damn thing to do with what the confederate flag represents. If you cared to read your history you'd know that the confederacy was formed to protect the south's precious slavery of blacks.

Because they were so intent on keeping slavery at least 600,000 Americans died in the war.

Anyone who is proud of that piece of shit flag is either ignorant, retarded, and/or pro-slavery.

PS: The fact that you took my statement "Pretty easy to see why they would have a problem with the flag" and somehow interpreted it as me calling you a racist with a broad brush gives me a clue which one you are.

If you had a damn history lesson you would know that you are so very wrong in your thinking.

10 Causes of the War

"Most Southerners did not own slaves and would not have fought directly to preserve or defend slavery."

Confederate History

The Confederate Battle Flag today finds itself in the center of much controversy and hoopla going on in several states. The cry to take this flag down is unjustified. It is very important to keep in mind that the Confederate Battle Flag was simply just that. A battle flag. It was never even a National flag, so how could it have flown over a slave nation or represented slavery or racism? This myth is continued by lack of education and ignorance. Those that villify the Confederate Battle Flag are very confused about history and have jumped upon a bandwagon with loose wheels.

So, I guess I am ignorant, retarded, uneducated and racist correct? To think I am from the north, have a mixed child, and damn, I am married to SNP and I also proudly wear the confederate flag.
AllEars' said:
If you had a damn history lesson you would know that you are so very wrong in your thinking.
The people in the subject of the post are from Louisiana. How are you going to argue with Louisiana's own stated reasons for secession? Here's a history lesson for you right here....

History affords no example of a people who changed their government for more just or substantial reasons. Louisiana looks to the formation of a Southern confederacy to preserve the blessings of African slavery