Can I have one too please?



What fire arm would you suggest for every day use? :D OK just kidding... what do you own? I do:

- (2x) .303
- Smith and Weson (my mom's, but she doesn't carry it)
- (3x) 12 gauge shotguns
- 9mm (actually it is my dad's)
- .22 rifle
- couple of air guns

I also have a real bayonet, and am getting a long bow and a cross bow as soon as I have time to take some classes :)

Here is a picture of a bow:

Originally posted by unclehobart
Every day use? If its just sheer survival of which you speak... nothing beats a simple .22.

Maybe something with just a little more knockdown power. I keep a 9mm automatic umm... Taurus? Can't remember who makes it, just know how to load and shoot it. I also have a .357 Ruger Security Six, a Model 63 Winchester .22, an old Central Arms 16 ga double barrel, and a Thompson Center 50 cal Hawken replica. That's it for me. I don't trust anyone who has more guns than his age... that would be my dad. :p
I'm just thinking along the lines of simple survival and reliability. 95% of the game out there is fairly small: bird, squirrel, snake ...and the like. All of natures small animals come in a handy single serving size. The knockdown power of which you speak is only good for the rarer large game animals. Those would be good to feed 20 at a time. It just depends on the animal availability and number of people that you are trying to feed. A large caliber weapon will positively vaporize small game thereby cutting out the large numbers of small game out there at your disposal. A properly used .22 can still take down a deer.
Originally posted by unclehobart
I'm just thinking along the lines of simple survival and reliability.

Good point. I thought he was asking about personal protection rather than wilderness survival.
Originally posted by LastLegionary
For me it is actually a hobby. :)

Mine are mostly keepsakes. The 16 ga I got from my dad when I was ten. The Winchester also belonged to him, and he gave it to me a few years back. The Hawken I bought when I was 16 so that he and I could go blackpowder hunting. The two pistols I bought from him, just because he thought I should own a pistol and he happened to have the perfect one for me-- both times. So, basically, if it weren't for my dad, I probably wouldn't own a gun. :p
Originally posted by Justintime
i don't trust anyone under 29 with weapons :headbang:

But someone drunk over 29 can do a catastrophy with weapons :D

LL, a longow and/or crossbow is definately worth an addition to your arsenal. I dunno if someone here remembers the old HwC OT threads about gun possession, where Sander talked about its pocket crossbow, that thing packed quite a punch (could shoot through a thick concrete wall) :eek:
Anyone know of a good place online to buy a small crossbow? One that is small enough to carry concealed.