Can I make another selfish request?


New Member
Pictures? Would that be possible?

I would love to "see" you guys. And the homes, cars, whatever is new and improved. :D


Wow. Just wow. I got teary there a little with your first picture. She's stunning and you guys look so happy! I'm so happy for you Luis.
Besides the Mac mentioned in the other thread, Dara got a PT Cruiser Convertible for Christmas. Sorry, no pics handy but it's silver with black. I, on the other hand, still drive the POS econobox. :mope:
No new pics of me ,but heres one of the new place we rent.Pics of local wildlife can be found in the "Creative " forum.
AB... damn man. That's some great backdrop you've got there! Long Island is almost completely flat so I'm always impressed by hills and mountains.

Paul, can you get any further away from the camera? :lol: I would have covered up the glass with posters by now and installed a door. ;)
AB... damn man. That's some great backdrop you've got there! Long Island is almost completely flat so I'm always impressed by hills and mountains.

Paul, can you get any further away from the camera? :lol: I would have covered up the glass with posters by now and installed a door. ;)

I didn't know the picture was being taken, and no door for me, but in an office of 4 employees, and 8 offices, I don't need one, I just get the cubicle for 4 to myself cause of the 3 specialty printers
More than happy to oblige. :D A few from the wedding:

We got married in a mansion at an arboretum - my gorgeous wedding party made up of nieces, nephews and my mother as my Matron of Honor and Rusty's Dad as his Best Man:


Being introduced at our reception, do we look happy?


Check out my new chompers. That's a $3,000 mouth right there:


I can't begin to describe how having perfect teeth makes me feel. I smiled with my mouth closed way too long! :D