can I use my iPod? NO!!!

Luis G

Staff member
The recording industry has made it clear in the past that they feel they deserve money for every iPod sold, even though they fought the development of MP3 players every step of the way, claiming (oh, that again?) that it would destroy the music business. Of course, they seem to ignore that the success of the iPod alone has allowed them to start to build up a business in digital music sales. The latest move, however, is to suggest that the fact you can transfer (some) songs from CDs (that don't have copy protection) to your iPod has nothing to do with fair use (which they like to pretend doesn't exist) and is simply a gracious favor that the recording industry offers everyone by choice. As part of a petition they've filed with the government concerning the latest DMCA rule-making, they make it clear that the government should recognize transferring music to an iPod is because they alone have said it's okay, and does not show that copying a song to another device is fair use in any manner.

Some background to the story: Can I make a player and sell it without having to divide my revenues with the music companies? NO
Not retarted... just looking to get a bigger cut of the pie. Its basic business.

I didn't bake the pie... but the fruit going into it was picked off of my lands. It doesn't matter that I was letting the fruit rot on the trees... you owe me.
American dream, ain't it? Getting paid for someone else doing something that you didn't even want done.