Can we trade


molṑn labé
Staff member
Karzai for McCain & a Congresswoman to be named later.

Reporter:"Even after hearing that one of the major conclusions of the National Intelligence Estimate in April was that the Iraq war has fueled terror growth around the world, why have you continued to say, Mr. President, that the Iraq war is made this country safer?"

Karzais follow up to Bush: "Terrorism was hurting us way before Iraq or September 11 ... These extremist forces were killing people in Afghanistan for years, closing schools, burning mosques, killing children, uprooting vineyards. They came to America on September 11, but they were attacking you before September 11 in other parts of the world. We are a witness in Afghanistan.

Do you forget people jumping off the 80th floor or 70th floor when the planes hit them? Can you imagine what it will be for a man or woman to jump from that high? "How do we get rid of them? ... Should we wait for them to come and kill us again?"


Another pathetic attempt to try and tie 9/11 to the Iraq war. Disgustingly using the deaths in New York to justify an unrelated farce.

Somebody should smack him.
yeah man i saw part of that little duet today in my hotel room.... those two were pretty much sucking each others' dicks and spouting off bland pleasantries, platitudes, and asininities like "they're a bunch of cold-blooded murderers." gee, dubya, how many times can you used that tired, shitty line to describe... um, well, just about anybody? maybe he should just go back to running the plantation that daddy handed him. fucking retard.