Canada, UFOs, and global warming


Southern Discomfort
Mankind's last hope for survival!

You have


to be kidding me.

OTTAWA (AFP) - A former Canadian defense minister is demanding governments worldwide disclose and use secret alien technologies obtained in alleged UFO crashes to stem climate change, a local paper said Wednesday.

"I would like to see what (alien) technology there might be that could eliminate the burning of fossil fuels within a generation ... that could be a way to save our planet," Paul Hellyer, 83, told the Ottawa Citizen.

Alien spacecrafts would have traveled vast distances to reach Earth, and so must be equipped with advanced propulsion systems or used exceptional fuels, he told the newspaper.

Little green men from outer space are going to help us defeat a fake, created crisis. Thanks Canada, we'll take it from here if you don't mind...
The aliens use gasoline. Their engines are just more efficient than ours. Silly Canucks.
Wait a minute. How can one be an UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT when IMMIGRANT suggests coming through the front door?