Canadian hate speech


Southern Discomfort
as always, from and the cited source...

Complaints have been filed with a human rights commission in Canada charging a Catholic Bishop with inciting hatred against homosexuals by reiterating church doctrine against sex outside of marriage, according to the Calgary Herald.

The complaints say Bishop Fred Henry’s statements, in a letter to the local paper, were hateful and harmful. Particularly, they cited passages that grouped homosexuality with adultery, prostitution and pornography as forces that "undermine the foundations of the family."

Henry has refused to back down despite the complaints.

"Freedom of religion and freedom of speech are foundational, and if we're to have an honest debate in society, all the voices have to be heard, including that of the churches," he said.

"I think I'm owed an apology for putting me through this rigmarole of harassment and intimidation and attempt to silence me," he added.


You go Bishop Fred. You just go right on ahead.
The Church is beginning to speak out in support of themselves & their followers. Man, this is gonne be fun to watch.
40 years ago this would not have happened

now the Bishop is the abnormal one?