Canadians launch lawsuits against TB-infected flyer


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Several Canadians on the same flight as a tuberculosis-infected American man who sparked an international health scare launched civil lawsuits Thursday in Montreal.

Montreal lawyer Anlac Nguyen filed the suits in Quebec Superior Court on behalf of the passengers as well as a ninth person who is related to one of the passengers but was not on the flight. The five Montrealers, two Ottawa residents and two Czech citizens are seeking a total of $1.4 million in damages.

American lawyer Andrew Speaker flew from Prague to Montreal in late May despite a warning from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control that he had a drug-resistant form of TB.

Speaker remains in a Denver hospital, although doctors say he is not as sick as they initially believed.

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I post this not because of anything to do with the story per se... but because of the haircut of one of the guys who filed the suit.


THAT, my friends, is the REAL public health emergency.