Can't you feel the love?


molṑn labé
Staff member
For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack.

We can just sit down and talk them out of nuking us. Let's just find common ground.

He is the most outwardly anti-American person ever to hold the office. The US won't use nukes in self-defense. This traitor needs to be impeached NOW!
Can't you feel the stupid.

Yup more stupid bullshit.
That has been the policy forever.

Fact is, even if we were hit with a nuke we'd have a hard time
striking back with a nuclear strike unless certain conditions were met.

If tomorrow at sunrise a seven kiloton device detonated in New York harbor
by the time we determined its origin we'd be limited to amassing an invasion
force and taking over Iran with conventional forces.

No matter how messed up the North Koreans are they’d never launch a
nuke at us from their soil.

This is all bullshit anyway, guess how long it would take to re-target a Minuteman III
or a Trident II (D5)?

Better yet sling a 340 kiloton B61 Mod 7 under an F-15 and dump it on yo ass?
Macnamara, Westmoreland, et al wanted to use a nuke on North Vietnam at the beginning but they were shot down. The war would have lasted a lot less time if they had. The main argument? Nuclear fallout could, might, maybe, perhaps fall on China.
Even if todays admission has been our strategy since 1945, only this President is stupid enough to say so publically. So, our enemies just got a battle plan laid on their doorstep.

Follow IAEA rules

Use Smallpox/Anthrax.
Russia reserves opt-out of arms treaty with US

MOSCOW – The new U.S.-Russian arms control treaty is a much better deal for Russia than its predecessor, but Moscow reserves the right to withdraw from it if a planned U.S. missile defense system grows into a threat, Russia's foreign minister said Tuesday.

"Russia will have the right to opt out of the treaty if ... the U.S. strategic missile defense begins to significantly affect the efficiency of Russian strategic nuclear forces," he said.
It's true: 0bama's finger has never been on the button, only in the air, flipping off the American public. Why wasn't he briefed?

According to a knowledgeable source who would not be identified discussing sensitive national-security matters, President Obama wasn't briefed on the U.S. nuclear-strike plan against Russia and China until some months after he had taken office. "He thought it was insane," says the source. (The reason for the delay is unclear; the White House did not respond to repeated inquiries.)
