Car accident


New Member
Saturday afternoon about 4:30 pm, Scott and his son were going to the store, a girl drove right through a stop sign and slammed into their car. Scott fractured his shoulder and elbow, and his son broke vertibre C6 in his neck. They said it is still attatched, believe it, they sent him home last night with pain meds and a neckbrace. This was a new car BTW, one he had just got (scott's son) and didnt even make his first payment on. He smashed his other one 2 months before this one. Its like he has a black cloud over him. Needless to say, all is alive, its just a messed up situation.

Cannot wait till this year is over I can't!
Glad to hear they're both OK Mare!

About the car, around here lots of places have "no depreciation" insurance for the first year, meaning if you write off your new car less than a year after driving it off the lot they pay 100% of the purchase price, I hope he had that.
Glad they're OK, Mare. It really sucks to have an accident in a new car, but it sucks even worse to be laid up in a hospital (or worse). Cars can be replaced.

Nixy, they call that "gap insurance" here. It is highly recommended, especially if you're buying a brand new car or if you're not putting down enough down payment to keep from being upside down in the loan (owing more than the car is worth).
Glad they're OK, Mare. It really sucks to have an accident in a new car, but it sucks even worse to be laid up in a hospital (or worse). Cars can be replaced.

Nixy, they call that "gap insurance" here. It is highly recommended, especially if you're buying a brand new car or if you're not putting down enough down payment to keep from being upside down in the loan (owing more than the car is worth).

I had that insurance, I've had my car over a year now though so it's not relevant anymore...hopefully my car doesn't get totaled!
Its all being taking care of by the lawyers. Scott broke his collar bone, fractured his shoulder and elbow. His son Nick, broke his C7 vertibre in his neck, its still attached but cracked through.He is home now with pain meds and a collar brace. Scott does therapy three times a week and Nick is a fireman, but is out for a long time. It feels like our whole lifes are upside down rightnow, doctors, phone calls, bathing the guys, helping feed them, etc., and then there's my 2 boys, which are being great actually. It willall work out. Can't wait till the new year and hopefully new luck, this year is the crappiest ever.
Money will get tight and needless to say might loose internet again for awhile, but there's always the library guess, will keep you all informed.
What was the deal with the 'girl' that plowed into them???

I hope she get's her butt well and truely kicked. :grumpy:

I'm glad to hear they're both doing OK... it could have een a lot worse, but what a bummer though!
What was the deal with the 'girl' that plowed into them???

She is 25, had a 3 year old son and a 6 month old son in the car with her. She claims on the police report she did not even see the stop sign. They were doing 40 reducing speed to 30 because of speed signs in the area here, and she was crossing a from a side street, which is only 25, which is bullshit if she thinks she was doing that, our front end of the car was totaled. She did not go to the hospital or get the children checked out, the officer came thursday night,he told us she refused medical treatment and to his knowledge no one was hurt. ?????
She have insurance? Or is Florida a no-fault insurance state?

Yes, she had insurance, USAA Indemity corp., never heard of it. They are paying the car off, which is good, and I've learned a good lesson.

Anyways, house phone is off again, so i am using the libraries computer for my fixation, hahahaha. Try to keep in touch as much as possible. Miss you all.:kiss:
USAA is for military or family of military. I had it (technically still do as they never totally close you out so you can rejoin), Rob has it.
Oh, all is ok guess. Try to get on here as much as I can. YES, I am being a stubborn bitch, CAUSE I CAN. I refuse to pay that phone bill, no one else seems to care. I'm getting my son a cell phone soon, just to piss his one son off. Hahahahaha, I bad, I know. As for everything else were hanging in there. Scott's son went to the docs this morning, hopefully they will say he can go back to work, he's a pain in the ass most of the time. Scott's healed well, doc has him out of work till the 26th of this month his other docs appointment. He still goes to therapy 3 times a week.
My son Michael will be "13" July 31st. Im gonna have a teenager! OMG. Hello to All, miss ya's , try to keep ya posted, have a great day!:kiss:
Scott is finally back at work full time, his son goes back in about 3 wks. WOOOOHOOOO!

Also, I am back online in my own home again. I purchased a aircard! Its really neat! So, now i can post away again.

It truely is nice to have some normal routine again.:D :toast:
I've been reading more and more cases of people in accidents who were either browsing porn while driving, or actually watching a porn movie on a portable DVD player. Scary shit.
between the drunk drivers and the old folk here you dont have time to brouse the internet/talk on the phone etc.... while driving. You truely have to have eyes all around your head.:rolleyes: