Casper in the wars...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I had to rush my poor cat to the vets this evening... when he came in I noticed he had a lump on the top of his head and his fur was matted and his left eye was swollen and weeping puss! :eek:

It looks like he had a fight with another cat. The vet says it could have happened a couple of days ago, but when I let him out this morning just after I got up I'm sure he looked OK... admittedly I've hardly seen him over the last couple of days because he's been out most of the time and when he came in at bedtime last night I only saw him briefly when I gave him his food.

Anyway, I was expecting him to object to the antibiotic and anti-inflamatory jabs and the cream in his eye, but he just sat there and took it without protest. He has to go back in the morning so the vet can examine his eye more closely to see if his cornea is lacerated as it was too swollen tonight for him to see. He's confined to the house for the moment and I have to put some more cream in his eye tonight and in the morning. The swelling does appear to be going down nicely as he opened it to look at me earlier, so hopefully there isn't any further damage. I shall let him stay with me tonight so long as he doesn't keep me awake. :)
Poor Kitty. I hope there is nothing wrong with his eye. That can get real expensive. My friend is dealing with something like that right now.

I hope he gets better and you get sleep., :D
Well, I was worried he'd need an operation, but from what I can see at the moment it doesn't look like it.
greenfreak said:
Glad he's going to be ok! Remember, the more he fights you on taking his medicine, the better he's feeling. :)
That doesn't follow with Casper... I could swing him around by the tail and he'd just look at me, he's the most placid cat I know when it comes to humans... other cats and dogs however.... :eek:

His eye is still swollen but he's opening it more this morning and I can't see any damage to the cornea but I'm still taing him back to the vet to make sure. I'll pick up a new flea collar and some worming tablets while I'm there too, he's lost a bit of weight lately probably due to the heat as he's not hassling for extra food, but it doesn't do any harm to make sure. :)
Hope casper gets better. He was probably just trying to get some. You know those female cats can be bitchy sometimes.
Well, we saw the vet again and his eye is OK, the injury is to his eyelid... he has antibiotic tablets twice a day for the next 5 days and I have to bathe his eye and squeeze out any puss 4x a day... YUK!

Again, he was really good with the vet though he's thoroughly pissed at not being allowed out at the moment... he keeps following me around, sitting by the doors and windows and yowling!

While I was at it I booked him for his annual jabs in 4 weeks, got some worming tablets and flea treatments which he will have to wait for until his present treatment is finished and booked him into a cattery, which I'm going to see on monday, for the 6 days Katie and I will be away at the beginning of september.

He's getting to be one expensive cat so I also picked up some leaflets on pet insurance while I was in the vets, after all he's nearly 9 and if he's going to go down with any nasty ailments as he gets older it could get REALLY expensive! I could do less for any member of the family who only has a choice of private treatment.