Catocom's site is under attack.......

About an hour ago, it was ok. No longer, I see.

Check out the title on the IE7 tab
yep 26th
I just happened to have a very busy time since and didn't stay as
vigilant as I should.

I might have been able to get a slightly newer restore from My host,
but it didn't workout good the last time I tried that.
I've just gotta keep it in gear.:gmorning:

Sorry for the spillover here Sam.

I just got some email to help pay for college for my nieces and I had to email my sister to make sure she sent it and it wasn't some phishing scam. O what a time we live in!

I just got some email to help pay for college for my nieces and I had to email my sister to make sure she sent it and it wasn't some phishing scam. O what a time we live in!

i was at my parents' house the other night, and they got a phishing phonecall! it was on the answering machine. it was an automated voice, not a real person, and i was like, "we have an important message regarding your [insert bank here] account. please call us at [number], and be prepared to give your account information". it sounded all urgent and stuff.
my mom wrote down the number, and is going to report this call to the bank's fraud department!
i'm so happy i have smart parents.
ehhh, they cain't beat a vigilate backup process.

We're gettin' stronger all the time. ;)
let um bring it on. Wimps.