Caught red handed


Staff member
The questions in the Interview thread in the KK have given me some ideas of things I'd like ot start convos about

Who here ever had a parent find a used condom and/or empty condom wrapper (or even a new one or BC pills or something)? What happened?
When I was 17 I was dating a girl that was only 15. Now I've always had problems with condoms breaking, so we decided to get her on the pill. Only problem was that she needed a parent to take her. We asked her mom, and that was easy, she said no problem, but you're asking your father too. So, she was afraid of him, so I had to go with her to ask him if we could put his baby girl on Birth Control Pills. Turns out he was a lot cooler guy than we thought, cause he was actually relieved and very happy that we came to him. I'm trying to be the same way with my 15 year old daughter today. I'm trying.
I was 16 when I went on the pill and I went alone. My mom doesn't even know to this day (although I am sure she KNOWS what I mean is she has no confirmation). Being on the pill and remembering to take it are good things. Morning after pills suck donkey ass.
You always made sure you were home alone?

I need to start being that careful again
When I was dating Jamie his mom found a package of a really cute little french maid outfit and a butterfly sex toy in the closet. She said something to him but thankfully never to me. She sat him down at 24 and gave him the "birds and bee" talk. LOL
Never got caught myself, never had anything in the house with me.


My parents had gone away to Florida for a few weeks and while they were gone, my sister Rose liked to sleep in their bed. She had her boyfriend sleeping over a lot of nights and the night before my parents were supposed to come home (later in the day; around dinnertime), I could hear my sister having sex in their bedroom. That in itself was just too much for me. :eh:

The next morning, I woke up to hear the front door slamming. Our bedrooms were upstairs but the room that the door was in had a cathedral cieling and hardwood floors so it really echoed throughout the house. I figured it was Rose or her boyfriend. It wasn't. It was my parents.

I didn't hear anything in the next room and I was going to go and tell them but I heard my mother coming up the stairs. I pretended I was asleep. She went into Rose's room, didn't find her there, then went to her own bedroom and found the door locked. She softly knocked on the door and said in a fierce whisper, "You better get him out of the house before your father finds him." and then walked back downstairs.

Within seconds, the door was open and here comes the boyfriend through MY room. He jumped onto my dresser, took my screen off my window and jumped out onto the roof and then down into the backyard.

Rose came out, closed the window and replaced the screen and walked out.

Then there was a knock on the door. It was the boyfriend. Dad answered the door and he asked politely if Rose was awake yet. My father said, "Do you realize what time it is?" (it was about 7am) and then said, "Why aren't you wearing any shoes?" It was about January 15th with snow on the ground; he had forgotten his shoes in his rush to get out the house. :laugh:

I don't remember what his answer was but my Dad never found out. My sister got in deep shit with my Mom, of course. After that, when they went on vacation, they made it a habit to come back at least a day early than they were supposed to. :D

That is kinda why I am not so concerned about my mom finding out now. I hope she will have enough sense to know that at almost 20 I am not in need of a talk.
I never used condoms....that's why I have a 25 y/o daughter and a 22 y/o son. I did get caught by one g/f's dad one time. We were in the front living room and her parents had gone to bed. Her dad came down to get a drink or something and popped open the door. He told me to get out you SOB, my g/f went running up the stairs to her mom (her mom was cool) and I went running out the front door holding up my pants. I think a lot of my g/f's parents liked me cause I always had a good job, so they were always kinda cool about those things. One g/f's mom was always prodding us about gettin married. Sometimes she would get a good fire going and go to bed and tell us to have fun...boy did we ever :la: They had a really comfy bear skin rug in front of the fireplace.
Lissa: So did I. It kinda sucked in a way :(

Pad: Livingrooms after parents are asleep is dangerous (but that doesn't stop me either).
I never got a talk either. I don't know about your mom but I know if they ever had to give me a talk, they would have a coronary. It's just not that kind of family for me.

I had forgotten, I kinda did get caught.

Boyfriend's basement, on the couch, watching tv, me completley naked, him half naked, his Mom decides to come down and see if we want popcorn. We pull the blanket over us and I pretend I'm asleep. He whispers to her that I'm not feeling well and took medicine that knocked me out and she decides to quiz him on my symptoms for 10 minutes. She didn't figure it out though. :shrug:
That sucks, Lissa. That's as bad as just being given a book.

Nixy, I just never used the house. Motels don't cost that much, and save a lot of grief. Tents in the middle of a farmer's field of corn are good too.
He he.

Jamie and I were playing under the covers and his brother came in to ask him about some bass tabs. I pretended like I was naopping and watching TV. As he left he goes: "Aw man! I really hope that blanket isn't covering what I think it is!"
A hotel a few times a week? ACK! That would get expensive!!!

gf: haha! The "she's asleep" thing is classic! I have used it too!
Professur said:
That sucks, Lissa. That's as bad as just being given a book.

Nixy, I just never used the house. Motels don't cost that much, and save a lot of grief. Tents in the middle of a farmer's field of corn are good too.

I didn't even get a book.

Tents are fun. We had one in Chris's back yard. We always took a "nap" in the tent after some heavy partying in his backyard. Although that tent has seen some nasty. We caught this dumb guy and three fat girls with fat bewbies in there once. ICK! :sick:
I didn't have a serious boyfriend until after I left home so that wasn't a problem for me.... and then I became a born again Baptist so that wasn't a problem for me.... :lol:
Mum walked in on me & my gf once, she'd brought a pillow cos she'd heard my gf complaining of a sore neck.. :p Think she did it deliberately to bug us but it's not like it changed anything.. :p

My mummy rocks.. :cool:
well, I only had sex for the first time about 3-4 months ago (im 18)
my gf and I were always very careful where we went, because he dad and her brother would have seriously murdered me. lol we usually took the car out so there was no way of getting caught.
ohhh I thought i was in a world of shit the first time, her period was like 4 days late after the first time.. I remember posting here asking for advice.
since then we have broken up after 1 year and 3 months :(