Celeron vs XP?



I'm building a new comp. I decided to go with the xp2400, but I was wondering why so many people say the xp is better than the celeron. The 2.2 GHz celeron was about the same price as the xp2400. Are the celerons really that much slower? I was curious in case I decide to build another comp one of these days. I was tempted to go with Intel just for something different.
Justintime said:
The pain! don't do it! :D PIV Celerons suck bigtime!

That's what I keep hearing. The only regret that I have is not going for the xp2500 barton instead of the 2400, but for what I doing with the computer, it probably wont make much difference.
Justintime said:
The pain! don't do it! :D PIV Celerons suck bigtime!

I've heard nothing but good from my customers running cel-1.7-2.0
that were former Tbird, and XP people.
catocom said:
I've heard nothing but good from my customers running cel-1.7-2.0
that were former Tbird, and XP people.

That's also what I am hearing from people about the celerons. I've been building and selling computers. The XP is not that easy to sell. I was wondering if I could continue my selling biz and do it better using Intel cpus. I'd actually like to profit a little if I keep selling them.
IMO AMD is for people that build thier "own" computers, (kinda like a hotrod),
that you'd be working on all the time.
Intels are better for selling, again IMO, because in my experience
they last alot longer, especially when selling to people that just barely
know how to turn a computer on. ;)
I'd agree with catocom on that one. If you know what a dying fan sounds like, or doesn't sound like, you can have an AMD, otherwise, use intel. I can run my wifes P4 without a fan on the heatsink and it doesn't get above 45C. I'd be scared to turn my Xp on without a fan.
Try running a 3Ghz+ PIV without fan ;) sucker puts out more heat than any processor i've ever used. PT thats likely cause its trottling and dosen't run full clock to get a high enough temp. As for build quality well to be honest i've had no problems with AMD these days, and the old argument about Intel being more stable is hooey. The Tbred chips are cool, the boards and chipsets are matured, drivers etc.. as for running without a fan, thats no issue, i've done it countless times by mistake or by experiment and they just crash eventually or reboot, sometimes even running (obviously flakily) for hours but no chip has ever burned out or sustained any permanent damage, its hard to break 80C for some reason and their chips are rated for 85-90C max thermal handling before permanent damage. as for the PIV Celerons, i don't disagree that they aren't pretty stable or whatnot, but performancewise you could lick it with a 30 quid Duron in alot of cases. As for thermal protection, boards with the diode protection react in amazingily fast times of under a second, i've tested it with a few chips, yanking the sink off and it shut off and restarted with sink no problem.
I have the xp2400 built and everything went smooth. It started right up the first time. The only thing I have left to do is put the video card in. That should arrive today. I chose to save some money and go with a GAINWARD/CARDEXPERT PRO600-TV 64MB 8XAGP GEFORCE4 MAX-440 DDR VGA W/TV. I was going to put a Radeon 9000 or 9100 in it, but this card will probably be more than good enough for me.
Intel 's slowest line of processors now is the Intel III which is pretty much obsolete. It was to be big in Laptops but Intel found a way to integrate P4 into Laptops without too much battery sacrifice.
Buttcrackdivine said:
It was to be big in Laptops but Intel found a way to integrate P4 into Laptops without too much battery sacrifice.

Yet the P4 didn't last long in laptops. The Centrino introduction gave OEM manufacturers an excuse to drop P4s and the problems associated with them.
I do think the Durons run alittle cooler, if you don't overclock um.
I've have real good luck with the 1.1 durons I've sold.
I always stepup the the cooling from stock to volcano5 though.;)
The celery ain't too bad...
