Cell phones more dangerous than cigarettes


Well-Known Member
This must be true because an expert said so.


Study: Cell Phones Could Be More Dangerous Than Cigarettes
Monday, March 31, 2008

A study by an award-winning cancer expert shows that cell phone use could kill more people than smoking, it is reported.

According to the U.K.'s Independent newspaper, the study, headed by Dr. Vini Khurana, shows that there is a growing body of evidence that using handsets for 10 years or more can double the risk of brain cancer.

Khurana — one of the world's top neurosurgeons — based his assessment on the fact that three billion people now use the phones worldwide. That is three times higher than people who smoke. Smoking kills some five million globally each year.

He warned that people should avoid using handsets whenever possible and called on the phone industry to make them safer. France and Germany have already warned against the use of mobile phones, especially by children, it is reported.

The study is said to be the most damning indictment of cell phone use. According to the Independent, cancers take at least 10 years to develop, which has influenced earlier cancer studies showing relative safety when using cell phones.

Click here to read the full report in the U.K.'s Independent Newspaper.
well, I haven't had a cell until about 2 years ago or so I think,
so if people I know that have had um longer, and use um a lot more than me,
start dieing off....I'll get concerned.
All that is necessary is for one to simply use a earbud and collar mic that keeps the phone away from your head.

The thing I really hate is those "Lt. Uhura" Bluetooth earpieces.
no, but it's certainly cause to give it some more examination.

as soon as i saw the stuff in google news about this, i know that when i came here, you'd have posted something with a dismissive flavor.

If I simply do not believe this unmitigated crap am I expected to place a glowing post about it?
Been using a cell phone for about 5 or 6 years. I'll talk to you in 5 years and tell you how I'm doing. :beerbang:
If I simply do not believe this unmitigated crap am I expected to place a glowing post about it?

no but i think you're a little quick to dismiss it as "unmitigated crap." the guy might know what he's talking about. there might be something there. i don't think he's trying to be the next ralph nader. but let's find out. or just feel free to wank on, there.
Better safe than sorry though, doncha think? I mean, we have the health risk of a nation to think about here. Lord knows people cannot be trusted to do for themselves.

Hence, I fully expect cell phone use to be quarantined to outdoors only, at least 50 yards from any public entrance to any public building, without benefit of shelter from wind, rain, snow, plumetting bird shit, or sunstroke. Make everyone who uses a cell phone a pariah. Like them damn smokers. God knows we showed them who's boss. Tax their smokes out the wazoo, then use the money to curb our sidewalks, and let the fuggers stand out in the weather to boot. By George we did a number there I must say! Now it's time to [minkey]ass pig[/minkey] them evil cell phone users just like we did the smokers.

no but i think you're a little quick to dismiss it as "unmitigated crap." the guy might know what he's talking about. there might be something there. i don't think he's trying to be the next ralph nader. but let's find out. or just feel free to wank on, there.

How many times have we seen the "experts" proven wrong of vascilate on their findings?

Alar on apples.

Oat bran.

Caffeinated coffee.

Decaffeinated coffee.

Living near power lines.

Just because an expert says it is so does not make it so.
Better safe than sorry though, doncha think? I mean, we have the health risk of a nation to think about here. Lord knows people cannot be trusted to do for themselves.

Hence, I fully expect cell phone use to be quarantined to outdoors only, at least 50 yards from any public entrance to any public building, without benefit of shelter from wind, rain, snow, plumetting bird shit, or sunstroke. Make everyone who uses a cell phone a pariah. Like them damn smokers. God knows we showed them who's boss. Tax their smokes out the wazoo, then use the money to curb our sidewalks, and let the fuggers stand out in the weather to boot. By George we did a number there I must say! Now it's time to [minkey]ass pig[/minkey] them evil cell phone users just like we did the smokers.


ass pigging. nice reference if i do say so myself. in fact i'd go further and suggest assault by quadruple assrocket.
So far, cell phones are gonna kill us...they're ok..no, wait. you 're gonna die...well, on second look, Here's PROOF!, oh, sorry, false alarm.

Alarmists like this is what gives global warming fanatics hope.
How about the "experts" who have declared that we are in a recession and the likes of Barack Obama who have declared them to be correct?

“As most experts know, our economy is in a recession.”

Well, I guess we will all find out just how wrong the experts can be in a couple of days from now. Weaker growth is still growth and a recession is two or more quarters of NEGATIVE growth.

Ya ever notice how nearly every story on positive economic quarterly numbers starts with something like "Economist were surprised ..." or "Stronger than expected economic numbers ...". Well, who does anyone here think is making those dire predictions? Experts, that's who.