Chechen Terrorists to be Buried in Pigskin


Well-Known Member
According to the Moskovski Komsomol newspaper, Russian security forces have decided to bury the terrorists from last's week's hostage siege wrapped in pig's skin. The aim is to deter potential Islamic terrorists from future attacks.

Shahidi (Jihad martyrs) believe by their nefarious acts that they ascend immediately to heaven. Using their beliefs against them, wrapping their corpses in 'unclean' pigskin prevents them from entering heaven for eternity.
Seems like I remember someone making the threat sometime. I don't remember if it was the russians or someone else. I think we need to make it standard practice on terrorists.
Disgusting, but what else can you expect from brutal murderers? The Russians only have themselves to blame for Chechen rebellion, if they think this will help solve their problem then they are mistaken.
Gonz said:
Yep, the terrorists aren't at all to blame.

They wouldn't be there if the Russians had not spent the best part of a decade annihilating the Chechen state and infrastructure, only to eventually leave it to its autonomy in a state of desolation, ripe for plunder by warlords.

And, in turn, militant Islamists. Vladimir Putin bombed his own capital to get himself elected on the back of a manifesto promising the murder of more Chechens.

Cause and effect.
The only thing seperating what the Chechen rebels do from that which the Russians have carried out in Chechnya is a sovereign mandate.

What the Russians did in Chechnya is a crime. Who holds them responsible? Where is Vladimir Putin's trial?

It's also better to prevent terrorism than to react to it, don't you think? How are the Russians working to secure the freedom and rights of Chechen people? What reparations are they providing for the years of bombardment and murder, to stop Chechens from turning towards militancy?
Bring on the civil war. put on uniforms & carry flags representing a clear idea & I'll have no problem. Right now they're terrorists. Plain & simple. Terrorists need killing.
Gonz said:
Terrorism is a crime, regardless of the reasoning.
Wait, wait... :rofl:
Gonz said:
The battle of Iraq is very much a masive part on the war on terror.

You say crime, you say war,
You say crime, you say war,
crime, war,
crime, war,
Let's call the whole thing off...
Bobby Hogg said:
Should Nelson Mandela be killed then?

He's a socialist. Of course he should.

Yes, it's criminal to create terror. It's also a mandate for war. What's so hard to understand? The country that willingly allows or persuades terrorism is in violation & subject to attack. :shrug:
Gonz said:
He's a socialist. Of course he should.

Yes, it's criminal to create terror. It's also a mandate for war. What's so hard to understand? The country that willingly allows or persuades terrorism is in violation & subject to attack. :shrug:

Should Britain attack the USA for not shutting down Noraid or arresting those American citizens who actively funded the IRA during their campaign on the British mainland?

Terrorism is simply the use of violence to achieve a political aim without a sovereign mandate. In my opinion, that is not always wrong. People should be encouraged to fight for their freedom.
Bobby Hogg said:
Terrorism is simply the use of violence to achieve a political aim without a sovereign mandate. In my opinion, that is not always wrong.

Then we have nothing more to say to each other. *ignored member number two*