Check your deed...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
If you own land in North Texas.

FORT WORTH - Hundreds of landowners in North Texas may have had their property stolen without their knowledge.

Investigators believe a massive fraud has taken place involving forged sales documents and fake buyers.

Daniel Ayala Sr. and Pedro Hererra signed over their properties for the sum of $10 on February 19, according to documents. Ayala's sons were understandably stunned to hear about it.

Daniel Ayala Sr. and Pedro Hererra have both been dead since 2003.

Both signatures on the sales documents appear to be by the same hand, and look remarkably like the signature of "Mary A. Rodriguez," a woman with an address in Miami, Florida.
stupid texans.
Stupid New Yorkers.

This scam wasn't first pulled in Texas. The owners weren't stupid, they didn't sign anything (some of them were dead when their signatures wound up on the dotted line). Someone forged their names on the documents.