Cheesy joke

Three Indian women are sitting side by side. The first, sitting on a goatskin, has a son who weighs 170 pounds. The second, sitting on a deerskin, has a son who weighs 130 pounds. The third, seated on a hippopotamus hide, weighs 300 pounds. What famous theorum does this illustrate?
chicken and egg oldie

A chicken and an egg were laying next to each other in bed.
The chicken was smoking a cigarette, and with a very pissed-off look the egg said, "Well.... I guess that answers *THAT* long asked question!"
under the international cheesy joke protocol of 1996, ratified by all countries [except the us of course ;)] that joke is deemed 87% cheesy D
and i did notice that many of them were straight from or something ;)
have a look for the butts thread in the loony lounge ll, you'll see justin's love of big haired women :eek: :D