Cheney vs Leahy


molṑn labé
Staff member

On Tuesday, Cheney, serving in his role as president of the Senate, appeared in the chamber for a photo session. A chance meeting with Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, became an argument about Cheney's ties to Halliburton Co., an international energy services corporation, and President Bush's judicial nominees. The exchange ended when Cheney offered some crass advice.

"Fuck yourself," said the man who is a heartbeat from the presidency.

Leahy's spokesman, David Carle, yesterday confirmed the brief but fierce exchange. "The vice president seemed to be taking personally the criticism that Senator Leahy and others have leveled against Halliburton's sole-source contracts in Iraq," Carle said.

As it happens, the exchange occurred on the same day the Senate passed legislation described as the "Defense of Decency Act" by 99 to 1.
Man, this is turning into such a huge deal. F*cking media people. Why shouldn't Cheney tell Leahy to "f*ck yourself?" Heck, I still think Leahy was right, but I like Cheney better than I did before. :lol:
From what I've gathered on the "Downfall of the Senate", our esteemed Senators are not allowed to use vulgar language on the Senate floor. So VP Cheney, the no-nonsense cat that he is, waited until they were off the Senate floor before uttering the harsh & degrading term to a respected & upstanding Senator from the fine State of Vermont. The media wants to make it clear that these words are unconscionable & must never pass the ears nor thru the mouths of those who are so far above the rest of us.

Or something.

*note to the Vice-President-Good fucking job. Pussies.*
Sure as soon as Kerry ponies up the fines
(out of his Wifes millions) for all the times
he's cursed in public.
Oh shucks
that's right guess that's not going to happen now
is it. Oh Well to bad so sad...
Thulsa Doom said:
So can we fine him $275,000 for being indecent now? Or would he have to bare a breast or something?

Why do you want to see the VP's hairy man-breast? :confused: :lol2: