

New Member
Do you play? How would you rate yourself? Do you have a pet strategy? Are you a patient hunter... an insane attacker? When was the last time you played?
I play chess. Just not very well. To be perfectly honest, I totally suck.

Haven't played since highschool, but I've got a beautiful marble set that a friend brought back from Mexico. All hand carved.
I play a few times a year. I don't get any real practice and all of my games are against people just learning or against my uncle who can destroy at will. I'm a practiced amateur. I like to use a feathered pawn crawl and rely heavily on my bishops to slide between the cracks. I tend to leave my knights as a center controlling defense and just be patient and wait for my opponent to make a mistake. I last played about a month ago.
Professur said:
I play chess. Just not very well. To be perfectly honest, I totally suck.

Me too. The worst part is I can't find anyone who's not gonna kill me just to watch me die to play.
I know how to play. I am also VERY bad though. I think it is because i don't take the time to think ahead I just move whatever isn't gonna lose me a piece in the next move of my opponent. Then when i DO try to think ahead I only have one plan that is based on my opponent making like 4 or 5 moves the same as i want and if he/she does something different I am screwed :D
I'm fairly decent. I just picked up a cheap Chess game for the GameBoy and have playing the computer alot.
I played alot when I was younger, am in the process of teaching the kids how to play now, and it's great, a couple of them are getting pretty good, beat me about 70% of the time, but the other 4 make me feel good about myself. ;)

btw, it's the 9yo and the 12 yo that beat me. 9 yo is in the accelerated program, 12 yo is just conniving.
Professur said:
That's a lot less embarassing than the way I learned to play.

I've been playing since I was about 6-7 yrs old. Used to play my dad once a week. I hadn't played in a year or so until I got this GameBoy game though.
Not with a game shelf as stuffed as his is. Achieving such a strong rating requires lots of study and practice. Hes either lucky, a natural, lying about how he spends his free time, or lying about his rating... or a combination of it all. Lucky naturals just piss me off. :)
Master level is 2,200, a very, very long shot, which I will probably not reach. 1,800 is the 78th percentile, 1,900 is the 85th. 2,000 is the 95th, and 2,200 is the 99th.

I've been playing since I was 4. When in school, I used to play all the time in competitions. I was the best player in my school (don't want to brag, but it is the truth).

Not with a game shelf as stuffed as his is.
Thats my brother's for most part :p I haven't touched a computer game in weeks. I used to play a fair bit but not anymore.
not in a long time

below average

insane but patient more of the hunter than attacker

a couple of semesters ago on campus before teh chess club broke up
Amatuer, used to be decent, but haven't kept at it and have lost most of my skills. Much more of a patient plotter, using a major defensive setup as a backdrop for sniping offensive tactics.