Chicken Hawk Gingrich Gets PWNED!

but his lack of service hasn't stopped him from getting Osama
and winning the Iraq war?

The Statement: "The fact is, I never asked for deferment. I was married with a child. It was never a question." - Newt Gingrich

The facts: Gingrich turned 18 in 1961, as U.S. involvement in Vietnam was escalating. But he continued his studies, getting an undergraduate degree in 1965, his Master's in 1968 and his doctorate in 1971.

According to the Selective Service, prior to 1971 "a man could qualify for a student deferment if he could show he was a full-time student making satisfactory progress in virtually any field of study. He could continue to go to school and be deferred from service until he was too old to be drafted."

In addition, the fact that Gingrich had two daughters -- born in 1963 and 1966 -- gave him a III-A classification, putting him far back in the line of people who might have been called to serve.

Verdict: True, but incomplete. Gingrich is correct, that he was not eligible for the draft. But that does not mean he could not have been one of the 3 million Americans who ultimately served in the war.

That fact seems to be something he has considered. "Given everything I believe in, a large part of me thinks I should have gone over," he told Vanity Fair in 1989.

From your source.

It's similar with Paul but Paul went as stated in the clip.
Was Newt drafted?

Was Ron Paul drafted?

Do you even know what the issue really is?
How about this?

Romney Military Service

Mitt Romney has never served in the military.

• Before joining college, Romney had received a deferment from the draft as a Mormon 'minister of religion' for the duration of his missionary work in France, which lasted two and a half years. At the time, there was an agreement of sorts between the church and the Selective Service allowing exemptions from the draft for missionaries. Before and after his missionary deferment, Romney also received nearly three years of deferments for his academic studies.

• In April 1965, Romney registered with the Selective Service but was not considered readily available for military service until December 1970. When he became eligible for military service in 1970, he drew a high number in the annual draft lottery and at that time no one drawing higher than 195 was drafted.
Gingrich turned 18 in 1961, as U.S. involvement in Vietnam was escalating. But he continued his studies, getting an undergraduate degree in 1965, his Master's in 1968 and his doctorate in 1971.

sounds like he was a reasonably serious student. he could have easily taken much more time for those degrees in that era when deferment was as easy as pie for the white guy.
Gingrich received a draft deferment during the Vietnam War owing to the fact that he was studying at the time in Tulane University and he had children. In addition, he was also impaired with short-sightedness and had flat feet (pes planus).
